Civic Imagination

The Story of Iris

There are two groups of people in the world: The stone people and the mud people. The stone people, being hard and infertile, decide to take over and use the mud people for their advantage. The mud people were subjected to ill treatment and oppression. One good day the Mud people decide to take action and choose a girl to go look for a special material that would make them stronger: corn. They communicate with her through secret writings on the walls, so that the stone people don't realize their plan. This mud girl, named Iris, goes on a journey to find the corn and on the way she finds she needs to change and grow. Iris goes on her journey and finds wood on the way. She thinks that maybe this wood will help her on the way but it becomes rotten and she can't keep on using it anymore. This is a very dark time for Iris since she doesn't seem to find the corn and the wood is rotting. Finally she finds the corn and becomes it. She realizes this material will give her the strength and wisdom to come back and help her people become corn. 

Ethical Benefits and Challenges of Bringing These Stories Together

The ethical benefits of bringing different stories together is that we get to find meeting points between cultures and that creates empathy. Humans principles are the same all over the world but it is hard to see beyond the superficial aspect of culture.,,,

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