July 27th, 1917
Home from summer school! I’ve been home almost a week. Amy came home with me and went back to Portland this morning on the 7:30 Electric. We have had a quiet week for there wasn’t much else to do but I’ve enjoyed having Amy here. We went hiking up in the hills one day and took some pictures of the valley. One morning we went berry picking and came home and canned them in the afternoon. It was hot (awfully) – and I was sorry to have Amy get so heated up but she just would help. Wednesday papa showed Amy how to run “Mehitable” and she took Mildred and I to town. We stayed in until afternoon and went to a show. When we were almost home we picked papa up on the running board and in just a minute something whistled and swish! went the rear tire. We were just down the hill from home but we couldn’t go home that way so papa had to take off the tire and we went home on the rim. No one thinks I can learn to run the car but I’m going to show them. If Amy can I guess I can. I’ve been studying the instructions book and some day soon I’m going myself. Then I’m going to ask papa to show me. I expect he’ll take my head off two or three times before I learn – but that is part of it.
I am waiting for Mildred to come home now to see if se wont bring me a letter from Al. I haven’t hear from him for almost two weeks and I can’t imagine why he doesn’t write. I suppose I ought to be glad he doesn’t write since I say I don’t care for him – but just the same, I miss his letters and I wish he would write. Mildred went into the dentists this morning and time drags awfully when one is waiting for a letter.