This content was created by Alison Parman. The last update was by Emily.
Installation Archive: A Capsule AestheticMain MenuIntroductionPipilotti RistPatricia PiccininiMariko MoriData VisualizationsDigging into DataDIY Video SearchAbout this ProjectKate Mondloch60e58fa03959fae9db0ff5ac51368a1374fe9120
Wave UFO (Antonella Coppola)
12016-06-16T11:30:11-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81a95532plain2017-04-20T19:31:47-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu020apAntonella Coppolabrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)"Wave UFO" a Venezia: Reazioni2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2007_11_19Venice2005moving imageItaliano:Questo � un video documentario su Wave UFO di Mariko Mori alla biennale di venezia nel 2005. Il video � stato realizzato per la mia tesi di laurea all'Accademia di Belle arti di Venezia del marzo 2006.English:A documentary about the visitor's reaction on Wave UFO, an art work by Mariko Mori. This artwork has been exibhited at te Venice Biennale in 2005,I shot it in that period. This is part of my degree dissertation at Fine Art Academy in Venice (march 2006).Please visit this amazing installation that is travelling around the world!Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
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12016-06-12T18:52:19-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aView Wave UFO as SlideshowEmily7gallery2017-01-29T17:41:58-08:00Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12017-02-26T20:12:43-08:00Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ffWave UFO Videos as ThumbnailsKate Mondloch5structured_gallery2017-06-13T21:39:33-07:00Kate Mondloch60e58fa03959fae9db0ff5ac51368a1374fe9120
12017-04-20T19:26:46-07:00Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ffWorks from 2002Emily2structured_gallery2017-04-20T19:35:45-07:00Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
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12017-01-29T16:24:03-08:00Digging into Data38toc2017-10-24T14:29:44-07:00
The details listed below this user-generated Wave UFO video give a sense of the extensive metadata--art historical metadata as well as Scalar-specific metadada--included in Installation Archive: A Capsule Aesthetic
Metadata is "data [information] that provides information about other data".[1] Some of the primary types of metadata: descriptive metadata, structural metadata, and administrative metadata.[2]
Descriptive metadata describes a resource for purposes such as discovery and identification. It can include elements such as title, abstract, author, and keywords.
Structural metadata is metadata about containers of metadata and indicates how compound objects are put together, for example, how pages are ordered to form chapters.
Administrative metadata provides information to help manage a resource, such as when and how it was created, file type and other technical information, and who can access it.[3]
Metadata is used to summarize basic information about data which can make tracking and working with specific data easier. There are different metadata standards for each different discipline (e.g., museum collections, digital audio files, websites, etc.).