This path was created by Emily. The last update was by Kate Mondloch.
This collection of moving image uploads—or what I like to call “here’s my experience” videos—offers a novel form of crowd-sourced art historical documentation. Perhaps needless to say, visitor-generated videos of viewers' particularized experiences with installations challenge conventional art historical standards of documentation. Because we did very minimal editing (weeding out only things that, despite their titles, had no images of the work in question), these innumerable and fluctuating social media uploads depict installations from highly idiosyncratic and subjective points of view (for example, user-added personal commentary or supplemental text, abnormal audio or ambient noises, multiple and sometimes unrelated works documented in a single video, and so on). And yet, looked at in a different light, these very “limitations” prove to be enormous assets. As these social media uploads underscore, art spectatorship is inherently multiple because artistic experience itself is multiple.
Three sample user-generated videos are shown below. More videos are available on individual artists' pages.