Installation Archive: A Capsule AestheticMain MenuIntroductionPipilotti RistPatricia PiccininiMariko MoriData VisualizationsDigging into DataDIY Video SearchAbout this ProjectKate Mondloch60e58fa03959fae9db0ff5ac51368a1374fe9120
12016-06-16T11:30:10-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (ALine Bastos)3plain2017-04-20T19:27:27-07:00YouTube1999 -2003news reportedmoriwaveu011apALine Bastosbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)exposi��o mariko mori2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_05_10Brasiliamoving imageMat�ria veiculada no SBT Bras�lia detalha exposi��o com alta complexidade tecnol�gica, assinada por Mariko Mori, artista japonesa e contempor�nea.Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:09-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Alem dos outdoors)3plain2017-04-20T19:29:17-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu008apAlem dos outdoorsbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Mariko Mori - CCBB Bras�lia2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_01_31Brasiliamoving imageConfira mais sobre cultura na capital no blog http://alemdeoutdoors.blogspot.comExposi��o "Mariko Mori - Oneness", em Bras�lia no Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), dia 29 de janeiro de 2011.Pedimos que, em caso de reprodu��o, os devidos cr�ditos sejam citados.Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-07-11T09:39:42-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aBeginning of the End, Shanghai, China (bALANelcher)2plain2017-04-20T20:22:24-07:001998edmoribegin001apbALANelcherCibachrome Prints. 100 x 500 x 7.5 cm2016_06_28Mori, Marikostill imageLaminated cibachrome, mounted on aluminum30.375" x 148" x 3 inches77.2cm x 375.9cm x 7.6cm(number three from an edition of three plus one artist's proof and one printer's proof)Estimate: $18,000 — $25,000 USD** Lot unsoldLot #270Phillips (New York)Under The InfluenceMarch 8th, 2013
12016-06-16T11:30:08-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (antonella coppola)2plain2017-04-20T19:30:43-07:00Vimeo1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu001apantonella coppolabrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Wave UFO a Venezia: Reazioni2016_06_09Mori, Mariko2009_03_14Venicemoving imageEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:12-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (inge willems)2plain2017-04-20T19:41:29-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu028apinge willemsbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Being there part 2- Venice Biennale 2005 (51): meeting filmstar Tilda Swinton2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2013_08_10Venicemoving imageMet een groepje artlovers naar Veneti� om tijdens de persopening van de Biennale aldaar evenementen momenten en mensen ludiek vast te leggen. Ali Haselhoef en Inge Willems filmen, kunstcriticus Paul Groot spreekt met de zeer door ons gewaardeerde filmster Tilda Swinton op het Turkse feest van modeontwerper Hussein Chalayan. De aanleiding: haar wonderbaarlijk schoenen (in 2005 een spektakel, nu loopt iedere griet op meer dan 10 centimeter. En let haar statement: ze belooft mee te doen aan een door ons geregisseerde performance in Amsterdam - of heb ik het verkeerd begrepen? (8 minuten)Verder in de arsenale: Joana Vasconcelos, Runa Islam, Guerilla Girls, Allora en Calzadilla en Mariko Moricamera: Ali Haselhoef, Inge Willemsedit: Inge WillemsEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-07-11T09:39:42-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aGame Boys Advanced (Craig O'Shanesy)2plain2017-04-20T20:30:40-07:002002edpiccininigameb001apCraig O'ShanesySilicone, polyurethane, human hair, vide, Variable2016_06_28Piccinini, Patricia2001_09_01We Are Family, 2003_06_15/2003_11_02, Australian Pavillionstill imageGame Boys Advanced, 2 002, silicone, polyurethane, clothing, human hair.The two boys are cloned twins. On close inspection alarming signs of premature aging can be seen. The source for this idea was Dolly the sheep. Dolly was a ewe (5 July, 1 996 � 1 4 February, 2 003) famous for being the first mammal to be cloned from a cell. Dolly�s death at the premature age of six years prompted debate about the biological and ethical consequences of cloning.Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:11-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Antonella Coppola)2plain2017-04-20T19:31:47-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu020apAntonella Coppolabrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)"Wave UFO" a Venezia: Reazioni2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2007_11_19Venice2005moving imageItaliano:Questo � un video documentario su Wave UFO di Mariko Mori alla biennale di venezia nel 2005. Il video � stato realizzato per la mia tesi di laurea all'Accademia di Belle arti di Venezia del marzo 2006.English:A documentary about the visitor's reaction on Wave UFO, an art work by Mariko Mori. This artwork has been exibhited at te Venice Biennale in 2005,I shot it in that period. This is part of my degree dissertation at Fine Art Academy in Venice (march 2006).Please visit this amazing installation that is travelling around the world!Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:09-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Jornal da Gazeta)2plain2017-04-20T19:43:07-07:00YouTube1999 -2003news reportedmoriwaveu005apJornal da Gazetabrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Exposi��o Mariko Mori - 24/08/20112016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_08_24moving imageArte, tecnologia e religi�o juntas em uma exposi��o em S�o Paulo. � a primeira vez que obras da artistas japonesa, Mariko Mori, podem ser vistas pelo p�blico brasileiro. Ema experi�ncia sensorial e divertida para muitas pessoas.Rep�rter: Fernanda AzevedoTema: CulturaEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:11-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (roger79leij)2plain2017-04-20T20:00:30-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experiencceedmoriwaveu024aproger79leijbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Mariko Mori Groninger Museum2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2007_05_31GroningenMarkio Mori: oneness 2007/04/29 - 2007_09_02montageZomerexpositie in Groninger Museum: Mariko MoriEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-07-11T09:39:42-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aGame Boys Advanced (Halvor Bodin)2plain2017-04-20T20:32:17-07:002002edpiccininigameb002apHalvor BodinSilicone, polyurethane, human hair, vide, VariableWe Are Family, Game Boys Advanced, 2002�20032016_06_28Piccinini, Patricia2003_07_20VeniceWe Are Family, 2003_06_15/2003_11_02, Australian Pavillionstill imageEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:10-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (blobbleo)2plain2017-04-20T19:32:49-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu016apblobbleobrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)mariko mori - wave ufo2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2013_03_23moving imagemariko moriEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:09-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Jose Eustaquio Lopes de Faria Junior)2plain2017-04-20T19:44:13-07:00YouTube1999 -2003news reportedmoriwaveu004apJose Eustaquio Lopes de Faria Juniorbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Exposi��o da artista pl�stica Mariko Mori chega a S�o Paulo (Jornal do SBT Manh� - 08/09/2011)2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_09_08Sao Paulomoving imageMat�ria da rep�rter Marcele Grecco para o Jornal do SBT Manh�.A japonesa transporta o p�blico em uma viagem ao mundo que mistura arte e muita tecnologia.Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:11-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Ronald Rijken)2plain2017-04-20T20:01:33-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu019apRonald Rijkenbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Mariko Mori UFO WAVE2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2007_08_28GroningenMarkio Mori: oneness 2007/04/29 - 2007_09_02moving imageMori exhibits UFO WAVE in Groninger museumEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:11-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Stella Melo)2plain2017-04-20T20:13:22-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu026apStella Melobrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Exposi��o Arte Ufo CCBB2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_06_08montageEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-07-11T09:39:42-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aGame Boys Advanced (RMIT University)2plain2017-04-20T20:34:59-07:002002edpiccininigameb003apRMIT UniversitySilicone, polyurethane, human hair, vide, VariableGame Boys Advanced by Patricia Piccinini2016_06_28Piccinini, Patricia2012_01_16We Are Family, 2003_06_15/2003_11_02, Australian Pavillionstill imageA visitor ponders Patricia Piccinini�s life-like sculpture Game Boys Advanced.Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:10-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Dan Steinberg)2plain2017-04-20T19:35:00-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu018apDan Steinbergbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Mariko Mori - Oneness - Wave Ufo2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_05_21moving imageCCBB RJEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:10-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Jose Paulo de Resende)2plain2017-04-20T19:45:27-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu017apJose Paulo de Resendebrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil. MARIKO MORI ONENESS. Wave Ufo2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_05_25moving image, montageCentro Cultural Banco do Brasil. MARIKO MORI ONENESS. Wave Ufo.Clips filmados e fotografias Fot�grafo Paulo Resende.C�mera Fotogr�fica Digital Sony Cyber-Shot 12.1 Megapixels.M�sica do Filme La Strada de Federico Fellini.Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:08-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Sue Anne Pinheiro)2plain2017-04-20T20:14:45-07:00Vimeo1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu002apSue Anne Pinheirobrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Exposi��o CCBB Mariko Mori2016_06_09Mori, Mariko2016_04_01Rio de JaneiroMarkio Mori: oneness, 2011_05_10/2011_07_10moving imageEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:08-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aStill Life wth Stem Cells (In Daily)2plain2017-04-20T20:37:55-07:00YouTube2002user experience, artist interviweedpiccininistilll001apIn DailySilicone, polyurethane, human hairvariableGSA - Patricia Piccinini - Once Upon A Time�2016_05_17Piccinini, Patricia2011_06_06Adelaide SAPatricia Piccinini: Once upon a time�,2011_04_16/2011_06_26, Art Gallery of South AustraliamontageEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:11-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (denniscallan)2plain2017-04-20T19:36:52-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu021apdenniscallanbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Venice Biennale art exhibit, best of 2005, 2009, 20112016_06_12Mori, Mariko2015_05_17Venice2005moving imageEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:09-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Kenia Lima)2plain2017-04-20T19:46:34-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu009apKenia Limabrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Mariko Mori2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_05_29moving imageViaje nas obras viajantes de Mariko teehee :)Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:10-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (uililopes)2plain2017-04-20T20:16:00-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu015apuililopesbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)OVNI em S�o Paulo - Wave UFO - disco voador2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_08_19Sao Paulomoving imagealiens - UFO====Pela primeira vez no Brasil, uma mostra ampla e abrangente da artista japonesa contempor�nea Mariko Mori, que utiliza o design e a arte de vanguarda para compor elementos de engenharia de ponta, interativos e de forte impacto f�sico e visual. A exposi��o apresenta dez trabalhos de alta complexidade tecnol�gica, que ocupar�o todos os espa�os expositivos do CCBB Bras�lia. Entre os trabalhos, todos provenientes de acervos da Europa, Estados Unidos e Jap�o, est�o: Wave Ufo, um objeto h�brido de grande escala, m�quina e escultura ao mesmo tempo, que funde, em tempo real, computa��o gr�fica, ondas cerebrais, som e uma engenharia arquitet�nica para criar uma experi�ncia interativa din�mica; Oneness, que apresenta um c�rculo de seis figuras confeccionadas em technogel (material novo, que fica entre o s�lido e o l�quido), medindo 1,35 m, que interagem ao toque do visitante.; e Transcircle, um anel de nove pedras de vidro coloridas e brilhantes, controlado interativamente, numa fant�stica reinterpreta��o dos c�rculos de mon�litos pr�-hist�ricos.As obras Wave UFO e Onenness permitem, al�m da contempla��o, a experimenta��o do p�blico. Por�m, considerando as caracter�sticas t�cnicas das referidas obras, essa integra��o � limitada e ser� controlada mediante retirada de senhas na bilheteria.fonte: Mori (? ???, Mori Mariko, b. 1967 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese video and photographic artist. While studying at Bunka Fashion College, she worked as a fashion model in the late 1980s. This strongly influenced her early works, such as Play with Me, in which she takes control of her role in the image, becoming an exotic, alien creature in everyday scenes. In 1989, she moved to London to study at the Chelsea College of Art and Design.The juxtaposition of Eastern mythology with Western culture is a common theme in Mori's works, often through layering photography and digital imaging, such as in her 1995 installation Birth of a Star. Later works, such as Nirvana show her as a goddess, transcending her early roles via technology and image, and abandoning realistic urban scenes for more alien landscapes.Play With Me (1994): Standing outside a Tokyo toy store, Mori dressed herself as a sexy cyborg�with light blue hair in long ponytails, metallic blue plastic in a hard-shell articulation of erotic body parts, silver plastic gloves, and a dress. Mori was trying to show that she connects to the robotic toys inside the store, but also to show her available unemotional sexuality.Subway (1994): Mori stood in a Tokyo subway car dressed as if she just landed from outer space. She was dressed in a silver metallic costume with a headset, microphone, and push-buttons on her forearm. This transformation�along with Play With Me�was to explore different constructed identities.Empty Dream (1995): Mori manipulates a photo of a real public swimming place as she inserts herself in a blue plastic mermaid costume in several locations within the scene. This image refers to, among other things, the rising of technology and philosophy around the creation of man through biotechnology.Oneness (2002): Oneness presents the dimensions of spirituality, photografy and fashion into a deep look on the originality of the artist's skill hence the usage of technology's brand new trends. The outlook designs of Oneness gathers the capacity nevertheless the hability to use advanced technology knowledge converted to some sort of mystic and UFO's.Including in Oneness you can find some sub-works such as the Wave-UFO, a 6.000 kg dome where the visitor, once inside it, can see projected paintings reworked with computer graphics and then transformed into photographs in the interior dome of the Wave UFO.ft:
12016-06-16T11:30:08-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aThe Young Family (Fenna)2plain2017-04-20T20:39:31-07:00Vimeo2002user experience, interviewedpiccininitheyo001apFennaSilicone, polyurethane, leather, plywood, human hair, 80 x 150 x 110cmEindpresentatie Media Ecology - Patricia Piccinini2016_05_10Piccinini, Patricia2013_01_01moving image, collection of still imagesEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:09-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (gpazzanese)2plain2017-04-20T19:37:56-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu006apgpazzanesebrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)oneness2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2007_09_03HollandMarkio Mori: onenessmontageSlide show with images from Mariko Mori's installations in Holland. Music by Coco RosieEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:10-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Kunstkanaal Kunstbus)2plain2017-04-20T19:55:52-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu010apKunstkanaal Kunstbusbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Mariko Mori - Oneness2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2007_08_10moving imageDe Japanse kunstenares Mariko Mori werd midden jaren negentig internationaal bekend met haar opvallende multimediawerk van ge�nsceneerde foto's, video's en installaties. In al haar werk staat de tegenstelling tussen fantasie en werkelijkheid centraal. Ook combineert zij motieven uit de Japanse en westerse kunstgeschiedenis met hedendaagse invloeden uit de mode, designwereld, muziek, manga en science fiction. Mariko Mori schept artifici�le landschappen, waarin ze zelf vaak in verschillende gedaanten optreedt.Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:09-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (UNIBAN Brasil)2plain2017-04-20T20:17:12-07:00YouTube1999 -2003news reportedmoriwaveu003apUNIBAN Brasilbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Exposi��o Mariko Mori | Salada Mista # 1052016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_10_14Markio Mori: onenessmoving images, montageTecnologia, artes pl�sticas, fotografia, religi�o, ci�ncia e performance!Esse � o trabalho de Mariko Mori, uma artista japonesa queEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:08-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aThe Young Family (randomuser1928)2plain2017-04-20T20:40:53-07:00YouTube2002edpiccininitheyo003aprandomuser1928Silicone, polyurethane, leather, plywood, human hair, 80 x 150 x 110cmHuman Dog Hybrid2016_05_10Piccinini, Patricia2011_04_11montagea sculpture made by patricia piccininiEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:10-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Gustabo J. Moretti)2plain2017-04-20T19:39:11-07:00YouTube1999 -2003news reportedmoriwaveu012apGustabo J. Morettibrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Exposi��o OneNess - Mariko Mori2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_02_06moving imageAs obras da japonesa Mariko Mori misturam arte e tecnologia. Os espectadores podem interagir com as obras. Em uma sala, o p�blico pode fazer contatos imediatos com simp�ticos alien�genas azuis.Fonte Original: Jornal Nacional - TV GloboExposi��o OneNessBras�liaQuando: 25 de janeiro a 3 de abril de 2011 -- de ter�a a domingo, das 9h �s 21hOnde: Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil Bras�liaQuanto: Entrada francaInforma��es: (61) 3310-7087Rio de JaneiroQuando: 9 de maio a 17 de julho de 2011 -- de ter�a a domingo, das 9h �s 21hOnde: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Rio de Janeiro -- Rua Primeiro de Mar�o, 66 -- Centro -- Rio de Janeiro (RJ)Quanto: Entrada gratuitaInforma��es: (21) 3808-2020S�o PauloQuando: 22 de agosto a 23 de novembro de 2011 -- de ter�a a domingo, das 10h �s 20hOnde: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil S�o Paulo -- Rua �lvares Penteado, 112 -- Centro -- S�o Paulo (SP)Quanto: Entrada gratuitaInforma��es: (11) 3113-3651Com informa��es do site:
12016-06-16T11:30:09-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Marcio Mourao)2plain2017-04-20T19:57:03-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu007apMarcio Mouraobrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Mariko Mori Oneness2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_06_09Markio Mori: onenessmontageMostra da Artista Japonesa que est� entre as personalidades mais atuantes no cen�rio art�stico atual�Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:12-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (zixzup)2plain2017-04-20T20:18:35-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu027apzixzupbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Mariko Mori CCBB2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_02_25Brasiliamoving imageMariko Mori's art on Brasilia, BrazilEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:08-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aThe Young Family (Videomax)2plain2017-04-20T20:42:16-07:00YouTube2002edpiccininitheyo002apVideomaxSilicone, polyurethane, leather, plywood, human hair, 80 x 150 x 110cmAmazing sculptures of Patricia Piccinini2016_05_10Piccinini, Patricia2015_03_18montageAustralian citizen and resident artist Patricia Piccinini (Freetown-Sierra Leone, 1965) makes drawings, sculptures, photographs and videos that examine the border between the artificial and the natural. Attract and repel, they are unknown creatures, bodies that appear in the flesh, but presented as a mutation, a hybrid or a distortion of what we recognize as normal. In a world determined to humanize technology and homogenizing the human body to eliminate any uncomfortable difference, the works challenge the viewer with a look that is far from the ideal of perfection. The Carrier (Carrier), a work in glass-reinforced plastic, silicone, human hair and fabric has an old unconventionally transported by a being with human hominid features and look. It combines his fascination with medical science and biotechnology with the fears and concerns of modern society such as the appearance, aging and disease-related nature but unnaturally treated. The application of animal characteristics, the absence of face, atrophied limbs and flabby muscles are a personification of disgust generated malformation and physical decline. Strange scenes refer to the universal instinct to apply our own emotions species of animals and things. Piccinini wonders with that series of surrealist works between science fiction and how technology is changing our understanding of what it means to be human and also changes our relationships with others.To see the video on Jose Garcia Cordero: see the video on Urban Art:
12016-06-16T11:30:10-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (Hirakiru)2plain2017-04-20T19:40:21-07:00YouTube1999 -2003user experienceedmoriwaveu013apHirakirubrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)CCBB Mariko Mori RJ2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2011_06_14Rio de JaneiroMarkio Mori: onenessmoving imageExposi��o de Mariko Mori no CCBB, RJ.Emilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff
12016-06-16T11:30:10-07:00Alison Parman72a3f0b1886791f52f6cebe9ca8464f44793c81aWave UFO (MyWayToTheTop)2plain2017-04-20T19:58:14-07:00YouTube1999 -2003news reportedmoriwaveu014apMyWayToTheTopbrainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, 207 x 446 x 194 inches (528 x 113.4 x 493 cm)Presentatie Mariko Mori2016_06_12Mori, Mariko2007_06_07GroningenMarkio Mori: oneness 2007/04/29 - 2007_09_02moving imageWafe Ufo van mario mori in het Groninger Museum. Door (minor journalistiek Hanze HGEmilyb14f5820b8b6ed9d550df8753cc77d108ce8f6ff