Parishioners of Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Wayne, 1839-1960
Peter P. Bailey, Founder
This page references:
- Emily (Ward) Shryock, wife of Dr. William W. Shryock, second view
- Dr. Lewis G. Thompson family, 1843, by Horace Rockwell. Margaret Forsyth stands center, rear
- Charles Douglass Bond (1831-1873), Trinity's treasurer when the church was constructed. Taken in the 1850s.
- Charles Graves, parishioner who donated the marble font cover with the brass angel
- Ann Elizabeth (Shoaff) Shryock Barnes
- Frances Edgerton, daughter of Alfred P. Edgerton, and her husband Alwin Alvord
- Col. Hugh B. Reed and his wife Ann (Thompson), members of Trinity 1850s
- Lavinia (Ewing) Bond, wife of Charles, aged 50
- Franklin P. Randall and members of hs Family at the Dining Table, 1880s
- Trinity Episcopal Church 75th Anniversary 1919 Parishioners, Pose 1
- H. N. Ward house, 909 West Berry Street, Fort Wayne
- Lycergus Edgerton, Alfred Edgerton, and Joseph P. Edgerton
- Hugh B. Reed Drug Store, West Columbia Street, Fort Wayne, 1860s
- Georgiana Bond, at age 10
- Mattie Withers, daughter of Warren Withers, Trinity vestryman
- Trinity Episcopal Church 75th Anniversary 1919, Parishioners, Pose 2
- Christine Louise Carolyn (Von Shuler) Ward, wife of H. N. Ward
- Col. Sion S. Bass of the 30th Indiana Infantry and a member of Trinity Fort Wayne
- Capt. Jacob Hull, first Senior Warden of Trinity, 1844
- Elizabeth (Rockhill) Nelson, wife of Isaac DeGroff Nelson
- Georgiana (Wright) Bond, wife of Charles Ewing Bond
- Dr. Merchant W. Huxford, senior warden of Christ Church, Fort Wayne, 1839
- Georgiana Bond Asbury and Taylor Asbury house, 1225 Illsley Drive, Fort Wayne
- Four generations, Agnes Fairbank, Mary Read, Caroline Randall Fairbank, Mary (Read) Randall
- Caroline (Bourie) Ferry, wife of Lucien P. Ferry, vestrman
- Clarissa (Arundel) Hull, wife of Capt. Jacob Hull
- Four Generation Portrait of Grace (Gorham) Bond, Georgiana Bond (center), Georgiana (Bailey) Gorham, and Peter P. Bailey, Fort Wayne, Indiana, about 1895
- Isaac DeGroff Nelson, long-time Senior Warden of Trinity Episcopal Church
- Bond-Gorham family group, Fort Wayne, 1880s
- Trinity Youth in Garth at side door 1930s
- Emily (Ward) Shryock, wife of Dr. William W. Shryock
- Franklin P. Randall, long time Trinity Junior Warden
- Lucien P. Ferry, a founder of Trinity who served on it s first vestry, painting by Horace Rockwell
- Charles Nestel, known as Commodore Foote, member of Trinity Fort Wayne, with his sister
- Charles Douglass Bond (1831-1873), Trinity's treasurer when the church was constructed.
- Elm Park, the Home of Isaac DeGroff Nelson near New Haven, Indiana
- Abigail (Woodworth) Ewing, wife of Charles Wayne Ewing and mother of Lavinia Ewing Bond
- Trinity Youth in Garth at side door 1930s, all unidentified
- Dr. William Wilson Shryock, Trinity vestryman
- Franklin P. Randall, long time Trinity Junior Warden, taken in 1870s
- Charles Gorham, vestryman 1870s
- Franklin P. Randall, vestryman, 1860s, as Civil War mayor
- Dr. John S. Irwin, long-time vestry member
- Charles Ewing Bond, Trinity vestryman
- Trinity youth group in the 1940s, possibly at Howe Conference
- Christine Shryock, daughter of Dr. William Wilson Shryock
- Bartlett Ward Shryock, son of Dr. William Wilson Shryock
- Mary (Read) Randall, wife of Franklin P. Randall
- Col. Hugh B. Reed of the 44th Indiana Infantry
- Lavinia (Ewing) Bond, wife of Charles, taken in middle age
- Dr. John S. Irwin, long-time vestry member, another view
- Grace (Gorham) Bond
- William Ewing Hood, Trinity Senior Warden
- Joseph Shyrock, wife Ann, and son William Wilson Shryock, about 1859
- Mary (Read) Randall, wife of Franklin P. Randall, portrait close up
- Clara Edgerton, daughter of Joseph Edgerton and creator of the Edgerton Fund
- Col. Hugh B. Reed of the 44th Indiana Infantry, full pose
- Lavinia (Ewing) Bond, wife of Charles, taken in old age
- Franklin P. Randall in his Garden on Berry Street, Fort Wayne, 1880s
- Peter P. Bailey, founder of Trinity Episcopal Church
- Unidentified Group of Women in front of Parish House 1920s