Exhibiting Historical Art: Out of the Vault: Stories of People and Things

Gallery of Lithographs

Revolutions per Minute: The Art Record - Track List
Select the track title to listen to the audio and read the artist's writings on the piece.

1. Jud Fine – Polynesian/Polyhedron

2. Eleanor Antin – Antinova Remembers

3. Terry Fox – Internal Sound

4. Margaret Harrison – First Lines

5. Les Levine – Would Not Say No To Some Help

6. Hannah Wilke – Stand Up

7. Douglas Davis – How to Make Love to a Sound

8. Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid – Russian Language Lesson

9. Helen Mayer Harrison/Newton Harrison – Extract from the Second Lagoon: A Memoriam to John Isaacs

10. Vincenzo Agnetti – Pieces of Sound

11. Chris Burden – The Atomic Alphabet

12. Piotr Kowalski & William Burroughs – You Only Call the Old Doctor Once

13. Ida Applebroog – Really, Is that a Fact?

14. Edwin Schlossberg – Vibrations/Metaphors

15. SITE – Comments on SITE

16. R. Buckminster Fuller – Critical Path

17. Thomas Shannon – Smashing Beauty

18. Conrad Atkinson – The Louis XIV Deterrent

19. David Smyth – Typewriter in D

20. Todd Siler – Think Twice

21. Joseph Beuys – Excerpt from Cooper Union Dialogue


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