Paul Conway, “Preservation in the Age of Google: Digitization, Digital Preservation, and Dilemmas” 4/12
Este artículo contribuye a estudios de patrimonio cultural en los campos de biblioteconomía e informática. Instituciones como bibliotecas, archivos y museos tienen que adaptar a un mundo dominado por una infraestructura digital. La capacidad de computación e informática al nivel mundial no tiene precedente e institutiones culturales tienen que adaptar a esta nueva realidad. Estes espacios virtuales ofrecen una alternativa para guardar, organizar, y preservar nuestro patrimonio cultural. Conway presenta este fenómeno en las siguientes citas: “The preservation enterprise in the cultural heritage sector now functions largely within an environment of digital technologies, organized digital content, and tools to find and use digital information”(63). “The digital deluge has two streams that converge to give the impression…that we are indeed immersed in an all-digital environment. One source is the collectively massive and accelerating conversion of book and nonbook materials from analog to digital form. The second source derives from the fact that nearly all new information is created digitally, communicated digitally, used in a digital environment, and stored in digital systems”(62).
Conway, Paul. “Preservation in the Age of Google: Digitization, Digital Preservation, and Dilemmas.” Library Quarterly 80.1 (2010): 61-79.