This annotation was created by Maria Frank. 

Field Guides to Food

Farm-to-School in Central Minnesota - Applied Economic Analysis (summary & metadata)

The farm-to-school model was created in the 1990s, and since then the farm-to-school movement has spread throughout the country. Today, forty-one states have operational farm-to-school programs, and over two thousand such programs exist in the United States. This study collects data required for a formal analysis of the broader community economic impacts of farm-to-school programs in the Region Five Development District located in Central Minnesota. More specifically, we estimate the potential demand for locally produced food products from farm-to-school programs, and we assess the ability of local farmers to meet that demand. We also investigate the prices schools currently pay for products that could be supplied locally and the prices farmers would require to supply those products. Finally, we develop new sector descriptions and modeling assumptions that will be needed to conduct a formal economic impact assessment with an input-output model.

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