The Digital Baermann

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy to Carl Baermann, 30 April 1843

From Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Leipzig, 30 April 1843
To Carl Baermann, Berlin

Source D-LEsm, MT/2011/313
Transcription Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, et al. Sämtliche Briefe. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2008, vol. IX p. 287–8.

Summary Mendelssohn apologises to Baermann for a delayed reply as he has been unwell. He reports the outcome of the a conversation with Kistner (the music dealer) about the possibility of a concert in Leipzig. It is unclear whether this is additional to the planned meeting on 10 March or if this was delayed. Kistner advises strongly against attempting to host a concert due to the bad weather. Mendelssohn suggests the best option would be a morning concert on Sunday 7 May, with a quintet (not an orchestra as CB seems to have suggested), and offers his services in advertising the concert. Mendelssohn asks for Baermann's decision and then will ‘consult with Dlle Schloss and David’ (presumably Ferdinand David), warning that however he may be too unwell to perform himself.

Daß ich Ihnen, unter den von Kistner urgirten Verhältnissen eigentlich auch mehr ab- als zureden muß, kann ich freilich nicht läugnen; wollen Sie die Sache aber dennoch unternehmen so brauche ich Ihnen nicht erst zu wiederholen, mit welcher Freude ich Ihnen nach Kräften dazu dienlich und nützlich sein werde. 

Of course, I cannot deny that, under the circumstances urged by Kistner, I actually have to talk you down more than talk you up; but if you still want to undertake the matter, I need not repeat to you how much pleasure I will take in serving and helping you to the best of my ability.

Post-edited Deepl translation

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