The Digital Baermann

Carl Baermann to Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns, 21 November 1876

From Carl Baermann, München, 21 November 1876
To Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns

Source D-B, Weberiana Cl. X, Nr. 32
Transcription Complete Works of Carl Maria von Weber. Digital Edition, Weber-Gesamtausgabe (Version 4.8.1 of August 21, 2023) Last change of this document on May 2, 2023. Open source in new window.

Summary Baermann thanks Jahns for his last letter, agreeing with his sentiment that life is like a theatre. He reports that he is unable to find further information on the performance of an opera Ines de Castro, but has discovered manuscripts of two vocal works in the Music Academy. He supplies further details but apologises that he is not permitted to send the scores. Finally, he gives news of his family: his distress that his wife Barbara has been taken ill and confined to a lunatic asylum; and that his son Fritz (Friedrich) and daughter Marie have lately been married, the latter to ’a manor owner near Danzig, Mr Georg Hepner-Schwintsch’.

Baermann on life and theatre

Ja wohl haben Sie recht wenn Sie dieses Erdenleben mit einem Theater und uns armes Menschengewürm mit den Comedianten vergleichen. Wohl tausend u tausendmal hab ich dasselbe gefühlt, gedacht und ausgesprochen, und selten daß ich in einem Theater oder Puppenspiel gewesen in welchem nicht dieser Gedanke mich durchkreutzte, und ich mir dachte was sich im Theater in Kleinen zeigt, erfüllt sich außen im Großen, und der liebe Gott führt da außen seine Lust- Schau- und Trauerspiele auf. Nun wenn nur jeder seine Rolle so gut als möglich spielt, dann denke ich kann kommen was mag u. muß.

Yes, you are right when you compare this earthly life with a theatre and us poor human worms with the comedians. I have felt, thought and spoken the same thing a thousands and thousands of times, and rarely have I been in a theatre or puppet show where this thought did not cross my mind and I thought to myself that what is shown in the theatre on a small scale is fulfilled outside on a large scale, and the good Lord performs his comic and tragic plays out there. Now if only everyone plays his part as well as possible, then I think what may and must come can come.

Post-edited Deepl translation



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