The Digital Baermann

Carl Baermann to Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns, 18 October 1878

From Carl Baermann, München, 18 October 1878
To Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns

Source D-B, Weberiana Cl. X, Nr. 34
Transcription Complete Works of Carl Maria von Weber. Digital Edition, Weber-Gesamtausgabe (Version 4.8.1 of August 21, 2023) Last change of this document on May 2, 2023. Open source in new window.

Summary Baermann write to Jahns that he has been occupied with recent celebrations for the centenary of the court theatre, and encloses an unspecified document, presumably relating to a work by Weber. He regrets that he is not able to supply the same information in relation to Silvana or Abu Hassan. Baermann then writes in detail about his poor health, including pain in his feet. He also details the hearing problems and tinnitus that he suffered from for several months, even transcribing the auditory disturbance he heard, but relating that the condition has been improved by treatment. Baermann then goes on to complain about the political situation and recent events at the Reichstag, which included two assassination attempts on the Kaiser. Based on this, WeGA concludes that Baermann was a conservative (see note on transcription for further details). Baermann closes the letter asking for news of Jahns.

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