The Digital Baermann

Wilhelm Taubert to Heinrich Baermann, 18 October 1852

From Wilhelm Taubert, Berlin, 18 October 1852
To Heinrich Baermann

Source Listed in Henrici, Autographen-Sammlung, 1922, 79.

Description from catalogue:

Hübscher Brief musikalischen Inhalts an Heinr. Bärmann: ,,. . . Den Bescheid über die Annahme der Dedication meines Vaterunsers seitens der Königin von Baiern, erwarte ich in diesen Tagen, doch sprich davon noch nichts.”

Nice letter of musical content to Heinr. Bärmann: ,,. . . I expect to receive notification of the Queen of Bavaria's acceptance of the dedication of my Lord's Prayer in the next few days, but don't say anything about it yet."

Post-edited Deepl translation

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