Vollständige Clarinett-Schule: An Embodied Exploration
Carl Baermann's Vollständige Clarinett-Schule, Opp. 63–64 was written in the late 1850s and published between 1860–64 by André. Spanning five volumes and almost 300 pages, it contains information relevant not only to students of historical clarinet, but anyone interested in understanding mid- to late-nineteenth century music making. However, while some of the insights are communicated explicitly through written text, much of the information contained within the VCS is tacit, only becoming apparent when the notational details of the exercises and studies are subject to embodied exploration by a specialist practitioner.
This forthcoming section of The Digital Baermann will unpack the information contained within the Clarinett-Schule. The design of the publication and Baermann's pedagogical approach will be contextualised in relation aspects of his biography and wider attitudes to musical training in the 19th century, while the tacit and embodied information encoded in its notated material – diagrams, exercises and studies – will be explored through text and video annotations. Finally, a series of thematic essays will explore questions of musical style, performance practice and aesthetics as they are articulated through Baermann's Clarinett-Schule.
Currently, the following draft pages are available to explore. Further pages and work-in-progress recordings are gradually being added. I welcome your comments on what additional information would be helpful!