The Digital Baermann

Virtual Archive

There is no surviving single 'archive' of material relating to Carl Baermann or his family. However, due to the Baermanns' wide network of connections, material relating to Baermann can be found in various libraries, archives and published volumes, often in collections relating to other prominent musicians. Digitisation of these and other sources such as newspapers have in recent years made a wide variety of material available; however it is difficult to get an overview or keep track of these sources across the variety of digital libraries and repositories who hold them. 

These sources have been brought together for the first time in this online 'virtual Archive' of material. The idea has its origins in my efforts simply to organise my own research materials, but the functionality of the Scalar platform – and in particular its ability to embed digital files hosted on other websites – made it a logical step to turn my private research files into a resource that others can also use. Organising the material in this way also allows us to start to develop an overview of Baermann's life and musical activities. The Virtual Archive will ultimately function as a digital appendix to the research that will later be added to The Digital Baermann

I will continue to keep adding and updating material here as my research develops, and I welcome contributions, suggestions and corrections to what is contained here.

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