The Digital Baermann

Carl Baermann to Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns, 16 June 1879

From Carl Baermann, München, 16 June 1879
To Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns

Source D-B, Weberiana Cl. X, Nr. 36
Transcription Complete Works of Carl Maria von Weber. Digital Edition, Weber-Gesamtausgabe (Version 4.8.1 of August 21, 2023) Last change of this document on May 2, 2023. Open source in new window.

Summary Baermann apologises for not replying sooner to Jahns’s last letter on account, but he has been busy ‘preparing 9 pieces of music for engraving’, as well as being visited by his daughters Fany and Marie and their children. He responds to Jahn’s enquiry about Weber's Peter Schmoll, writing that there is no record of it having been performed in Munich, and neither did his father ever mention one. Baermann writes of his plans to visit Marie in Schwintsch along with his son Carl from 15 July for 6-7 weeks, and hopes that he might meet Jahns in Berlin on his return journey in early September. He excuses his brief letter, saying he is anxious at the ‘debt of correspondence’ that was built up unanswered.

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