The Digital Baermann

Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns to Carl Baermann, 14 May 1879

From Friedrich Wilhelm von Jahns, Berlin, 14 May 1879
To Carl Baermann
Source D-Hs, Hs. Mappe Nr. 10
See also Complete Works of Carl Maria von Weber. Digital Edition, Weber-Gesamtausgabe (Version 4.8.1 of August 21, 2023) Last change of this document on June 23, 2023. Open source in new window. No digitisation or transcription currently available.

Summary "Mentions Baermann's last letter of 18 October 1878, complains about the bad weather since January, asks about his ear problems, his own illnesses, he is now 70. Asks him to enquire whether Peter Schmoll was performed in Munich in 1802, Schletterer in Augsburg owns a libretto of it with the publication date: Weber himself only mentions one performance in Augsburg in his autobiography, he wanted to leave no stone unturned for his supplement to the WV." Post-edited Deepl translation of WeGA summary.

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