The Digital Baermann

Carl Baermann to Giacomo Meyerbeer, 21 October 1844

From Carl Baermann, München, 21 October 1844
To Giacomo Meyerbeer

Source D-Bim, Meyerbeer Archives, 1/35
Transcription Meyerbeer, Briefwechsel und Tagebücher, bd. III p. 542–3.

(542) CB encloses a plan of the orchestra layout, presumably in Munich, and makes particular comment about the position of the double basses in the pit.
(543) CB thanks GM for news of his stay in Dresden with Spontini, and asks for GM’s opinion of Wagner’s Rienzi "since I have already heard so many contradictory things about it". CB reports that the Munich Intendant Freyherr von Frays gives GM the go-ahead to continue with his "new opera" and asks to be the first to stage it. CB asks GM for his response to this.

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