The Digital Baermann

Carl Baermann to Herrn. J. André, 16 March 1857

From Carl Baermann, Weimar, 16 March 1857
To Herrn. J. André

Transcription Erdt, Der Münchner Klarinettenvirtuose Carl Baermann, 357.
Summary Baermann thanks André for the receipt of 100 Thaler and requests that the remaining 60 Thaler be forwarded. He says he has not received anything from ‘Herrmann’ and that ‘Schlesinger and Kranz’ are helping with ‘with music’, possibly referring to scores for his son, which he asks André to sent once the matter of the Clarinett-Schule is settled. He promises to complete the Schule as quickly as possible and send it.
 In a postscript, Baermann says that the manuscripts for the other works to be published will be delivered within 8 days, and asks to see proofs for correction.

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