The Digital Baermann

Hector Berlioz to Heinrich Baermann[?], 4 April 1840

From Hector Berlioz, Paris, 4 April 1840
To Heinrich Baermann[?]

Source Listed in Henrici, Autographen-Sammlung, 1922, n.167. Addressed simply to 'Baermann', based on the date this is more likely to be Heinrich Baermann.

Excerpt from catalogue:

An Baermann gerichtete Anfrage, ob es wahr sei, daß auf einem Festkonzerte in Speyer sein „Requiem" aufgeführt werden solle: ,,Je voudrais savoir d'abord si c'est vrai, ensuite s'il y aurait des probalités, que je pusse donner un concert, soit à Spire soit à Munich, avant ou apres le Festival, qui m'indemniserait des dépenses de mon voyage."

He asked Baermann whether it was true that his "Requiem" was to be performed at a festival concert in Speyer: "I would like to know first of all if this is true, and then if there would be any chance that I could give a concert, either in Speyer or in Munich, before or after the Festival, which would compensate me for my travel expenses."

Post-edited Deepl translation

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