The Digital Baermann

Wilhelm Taubert to Carl Baermann, 26 December 1843

From Wilhelm Taubert, Berlin, 26 December 1843
To Carl Baermann

Transcription Erdt, Der Münchner Klarinettenvirtuose Carl Baermann, 346.
Summary Taubert apologises to Baermann for the slow response to his last letter, which enquired about the possibility of Taubert joining him (and possibly the cellist Joseph Menter) on a concert tour. Taubert says that [Theodor] Kullak will also not be inclined to leave Berlin at this time, but recommends his former student Alexander Emst Fesca (1820-1849) as the ideal companion: “Young, independent, lively, agile, used to travelling, talented and practical, and even if he is not at your and Menter's level as a virtuoso, he will be the man you need.” (346). Taubert then discusses the prospects for Baermann’s ‘further plans for Berlin’, which appear to involve procuring a position in the Kapelle. He reports of the success of the winter symphony concerts, directed by Mendelssohn, and writes that ‘the virtuosos are doing bad business’ as a result, suffering from empty halls. Taubert suggests that touring is more lucrative. Finally, he sends his regards to Menter and news of his family.

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