Italian Migrations - HONOR313_FA18

Lorenzo Santor

My name is Lorenzo Santor, I am a second-year business management major. I am interested in this class for multiple reasons. The first being that I am of Italian descent, and I wanted to learn more about my family's history and possibly why they decided to migrate from Italy to the United States. The second reason is because I know there is a huge population of those of Italian descent around the world, and I would like to learn about how they were affected by their lives in a new culture and geography, as well as how they have affected the people and lifestyles of those in the areas to where they migrated. My experience with migration is through my mom and her family. When she was thirteen years old, she left the Philippines with her family and they made their way to California. This moved was a major lifestyle change to everyone, especially to my grandma, who currently lives with us at home. I have also made many friends over the years from around the world through my high school's international program, included several friends from Italy. I am excited to learn something new and to meet new people. 


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