Italian Migrations - HONOR313_FA18

Analise Ilsley

Hello, my name is Analise Ilsley. I am a second-year student majoring in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. I was born and raised in the Napa Valley and moved down to San Diego for school.

My great-grandfather was an Italian fisherman from Sicily. He moved to the United States to marry my great-grandmother, who was also Italian. My nana is the youngest of their twelve children. My nana never learned much Italian, only enough to understand her father, who only spoke Italian and never learned English. Because she was the youngest of so many children, she knows very little about her family history and Italian culture. I wanted to take this class so that I can learn about Italian migration and share my newfound knowledge with my nana.

I have no direct experience with migration. But a majority of my town's population consists of immigrants from Latin America, and many of my friends from home have told me about their personal experiences immigrating to the United States.


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