Italian Migrations - HONOR313_FA18

About Me

Hey everyone, 

My name is Dillyn and I am a third year Marketing major at SDSU. I am from the Bay Area but have family in SD, so it has been like a second home to me. I had to backtrack with my Honors classes due to availability, so I am happy that I am finally able to take an Honors 313 class. Out of all the courses, this one resonated with me the most. I have always been interested in History and English and this course seems like it would combine the two. I am also studying abroad next semester and would love to become more culturally competent. 

I visited several cities in Italy in the summer of 2016. I felt very comfortable and wish I had more time to really immerse myself in that new and exciting environment.  I believe that my great grandmother migrated from Russia, so this is the only experience I have with migration. 

I cannot wait to learn more about Italian culture and I am very excited about the different field trips that are planned.

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