Italian Migrations - HONOR313_FA18

Mangiamo: An Italian Mukbang - Keely and Charli

A Mukbang is a filmed video in which the host consumes large portions of food while having a discussion with their audience. It was widely popularized online in 2010 and has become popular on platforms such as Youtube. We plan on filming a Mukbang of Italian food while discussing and critiquing films we have watched in class.

"Mukbang has become YouTube’s hottest food trend, and not for the fetish-related reasons you might think. Dining has always been inherently social. Despite the proliferation of smartphone apps that can deliver food to fuel the most furtive binges, humans still have a natural desire to share a meal with good company. “I honestly think it’s appealing because people want someone to eat with,” says California-based mukbanger Ashley Sprankles. “A lot of people are working and they don’t have someone to sit down with for dinner at night and it fills a void. They’re lonely, and they want to eat with someone.” "(McCarthy).

Popularized in South Korea, when it first started becoming popular in the United States Youtuber Trisha Paytas was one of the first and more popular Mukbang stars. She is still considers one of the biggest Mukbang stars on Youtube. Below is the link to one of her Mukbang videos for example.


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