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Alexei Taylor, Author

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Sesame Street and Deep Questions

This Sesame Street video that features Harris and his work highlights the wonder that many people, especially children, experience when they encounter the inflatable creatures. 

The sculptures pose many questions: Why do people stop and marvel at the sculptures? What (if anything) distinguishes movement of living things and movement of inanimate objects? What constitutes life-like movement? How does the scale of the sculpture affect one's experience or reaction? How do experiences with the uncanny affect us? How do we form our expectations of art, and what is the result when an art piece, such as Harris’ trash bag creatures, challenges our preexisting notions? What does the fact that the sculptures appear to be trash when deflated add to the art piece? Why do we typically expect art to be costly or permanent or in a confined space? How does harnessing the power of a giant network of machines underneath the city to create art affect those who see the sculptures? Why (or is) the power source significant? How would the pieces be different if they were inflated by another method? 
I may arrive at other questions as I investigate further sources on street art in general and Joshua Allen Harris, and I will also narrow my focus onto a handful of these questions.
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