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(Personalized) Propaganda

Altogether, the image layering, coloration, and graphic design of the Russian words are reminiscent of vintage soviet propaganda posters, stirring up a sense of revolution, an overthrow of oppression. Although screen-printed the reused images themselves recall such posters pasted up with glue on city streets. 

The Soviet propaganda advocated the communist emphasis on equality in the economy and labor as a means of achieving this equality. In this sense, it is ironic that these Soviet images (along with other older images) have been detached from their original context and thus their political or social meanings are warped to be used for selling a commodity in a very capitalistic society. 

With a little help from photoshop and an industrial screen printing machine, this mass-produced T-Shirt has the power to disassociate the images from their original context. In this setting, the images now function to add intrigue in order to sell a luxury T-shirt by harnessing images previously used in support of communism. Marc Jacobs recycled communist propaganda and its style to sell products in a capitalist economy. 
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