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Alexei Taylor, Author

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Alterity is otherness; the state of being alien to the conscious self or a particular culture (Merriam Webster). Alterity is a foreign concept – an idea or culture other than oneself that one yearns to understand. This otherness can be frightening, but also intriguing, fascinating, and almost revered. For instance, in Taussig’s “Mimesis and Alterity,” the Choco Indians are scared by a vision of a boat full of gringos (Europeans), and as a result of this experience, they produce a model copy of the boat and its men. This mimetic activity is thus inspired by the 'other' (element of alterity).

In this (admittedly comical) video, the idea of alterity is exhibited in the frightened state of the other sheep. The mask that the ‘Devil Sheep’ wears provides an example of the mimesis that can ensue in order to understand an object of alterity. The Devil Sheep is thus providing a learning experience to the other sheep in allowing them to experience the ‘other’ by using a mask to mimic a different being – a sheep with a different sort of head. The masked sheep startles the other sheep, as it appears to be a phenomenon different than any creature they have encountered.
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