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Alexei Taylor, Author

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I Feel Better - Hot Chip 

Spectators do not hold the power to change their situation at any given time. In this video, the spectators are helpless amidst the chaos of the seemingly cancer-afflicted-Jesus-figure who ravages the boy band they so love. As a group of spectators, the audience gasps and screams, realizing how helpless it is when events unfold on the stage that it did not anticipate. However, when the “cancer Jesus” figure assumes a role in the boy band and wears a matching suit, the crowd cheers on; the object beheld by the spectators is once again in line with their expectations.

A spectator, one who looks on or watches, is a passive figure watching an action unfold. The spectator interprets individually through its vision the object that is beheld. The spectator’s perception of a given spectacle influences its reality when the spectator’s reactions are received and disseminated to a larger audience. Thus, the spectacle that is beheld gives up some of its power to the spectators, as they choose how to interpret and mimetically relate the information.
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