Diana Gluck
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Effect on the viewer, Feelings on Inflation, Through the lens of Situationism and the Dérive, The Capitalist's Communist Commodity, (Personalized) Propaganda, What is this path? And how to maneuver it, An Initial Confusion of Nationalities, Price (and Fact) Check, Subway Breath, Final Paper Proposal. Inflatable Street Art: Joshua Allen Harris, The Takeaway, Unsure Answers, Race, Tractors, Balloons vs. Inflatable Street Art, Walking in New York City, Equivalence, Sources so far, Effect on viewer (continued), Bibliography, What is it about these sculptures?, Cue the Hipsters, Sesame Street and Deep Questions, Symbolic, Alterity, Marc Jacobs T-Shirt, Reality Effect, First Lamborghini Tractor Black and White, Simulation, That's Not Trash; It's Art, Video: air giraffe, Les nouvelles créatures de Joshua Allen Harris, farmer's pet, Cyborg, Ghostcatching-BillTJones, Joshua Allen Harris, air ape, Inflatable? How so?, runaway gargoyle in paris, Sculpture disguised as trash, Air Bear, NYC Urban Art,, So what?, Lungs, Sigur Rós - Fjögur píanó, Marc Jacobs T-Shirt close up, Red Gradient Background Marc Jacobs, Vatican 3-D, Lungs, Eyad from Marc Jacobs, Exit Through the Gift Shop, inflatable sculpture, Hot Chip - I Feel Better, New York City, Marc Jacobs Store, Eyad holding T-Shirt, Subway Interior, Bristol Museum vs. Banksy, giraffe, Walk continued, Hercules, City, Marc Jacobs Store Clerk, Marc Jacobs Store Interior, Banksy vs. Bristol Museum, bears, Metrocard, Beirut - The Rip Tide (Official Video), Get ready to wander, Temporality, Store from the level above, The Devil Sheep, What makes an observer modern; Diana Gluck, Lamborghini Tractor, USSR/CCCP Propaganda Poster, Society of the Spectacle, Oscar Pistorius, Race in Rome, 1960, Subway Diagram, Spectator, Situationist Map of Paris, Amber Case: We are all cyborgs now, Background Image Marc Jacobs, Man with Balloon, Vindex, Bear, Andreotti, Libero. Theory of the Dérive and Other Situationist Writings on the City. Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 1996. Print., Feireiss, Lukas. "Larissa Fassler: The Body and the City." Deutsche Bank ArtMag. Trans. Wilhelm Werthern. Deutsche Bank AG, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012., Freud, Sigmund. "The Uncanny." MIT. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2012. . , Gray, Christopher, ed. "Essays from Leaving the 20th Century." What Is Situationism?: A Reader. Ed. Stewart Home. Edinburgh, Scotland: AK, 1996. N. pag. Print., Neelon, Caleb, Diederick Kraaijiveld, and Joshua Allen Harris. "Profile. Bora Baskan/Profile Diederick Kraaijiveld/Profile Joshua Allen Harris." Juxtapoz, 95 (2008): 22-24., Joshua Allen Harris' Portfolio. Joshua Allen Harris, n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2012. ., Unitary Urbanism View all tags
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