Social Media Content for Robert DiChiara's "A Sucker in Spades"
The following are postings on Twitter that promoted the live Traversal of Robert DiChiara's A Sucker in Spades prior to the event and thanked the participants after the event.
YouTube Live Chat
Because Traversals are all streamed live via YouTube, the lab takes advantage of the chat feature offered by the network to provide a forum for the audience to make comments and ask questions. The chat is then saved and added to this book as part of the Traversal archive. The Traversal can be watched on YouTube here.Andrew Thompson
Brandan Touhey
Hi Dene
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Elyse
C.J. Maldonado
Hello hello!
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Brandon
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi CJ1
Andrew Thompson
Templin is watching on my screen, so we're both here.
Electronic Literature Lab
I think you'll find this work very . . . weird
David Sabrowski
I'm here
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Dave
Quyen Tranoh
my youtube account has my actual name lol but i mean it's still Quinn
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Templeton
Morning everyone! Katya here- excited to get started
Mariusz Pisarski
Hi everyone, glad to see so many of you have arrived!
Keegan W
checking in!
Electronic Literature Lab
I'll use Quinn then
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Keegan
Keegan W
Electronic Literature Lab
Mariusz is our performer today. He's coming in from London
Kathleen Zoller
Welcome welcome! You can also follow along on Twitter, where we're posting fun-facts about A Sucker in Spades! @ELitLab
Kathleen Zoller
Hello, Mariusz! And welcome!
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Kathleen!
Electronic Literature Lab
Kathleen is the lab's Undergraduate Researcher
Electronic Literature Lab
Is that a Skylander figure, Ktrhleen?
Bayleigh Parsons
Morning everyone!
Hai hai, This Is Rachael checking in!
Electronic Literature Lab
We will be using this video generated from this event for the multimedia book, Rebooting Electronic Literutre
Electronic Literature Lab
3 minutes --and we will go live
Mariusz Pisarski
Hello Kathleen, thank you for coming!
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Bayeligh and Rachael!
Joseph Schacher
good morning everyone
LaShay Wesley
Hi, LaShay here!!!
Electronic Literature Lab
Dene had to videotape her intro so that she could speak without a mask on
Nicholas Schiller
Hello everyone!
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi LaShay1
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Joseph!
Kathleen Zoller
So excited!!
Electronic Literature Lab
We have Holly Slocum with us I the lab taking photos of the set up
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi NicholzxQ
Electronic Literature Lab
Nicholas Schiller
[Grinning Face]
Jazz Jackson
Hello, everybody!
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Jazz
Katya checking in
Hello Jazz and Katya!
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Katya
Barış A
Hello, Barysh here
Viet here
Electronic Literature Lab
We are now starting the live event
Matthew Hannah
Good afternoon! So excited for this series...
Holly June
Thank you everyone for joining us today!
Nicholas Schiller
Hello Mariusz
Nicholas Schiller
Hello John!
Nicholas Schiller
Hello Greg!
Ruth W
Hello all
Mariusz Pisarski
Hi Nicholas!
LaShay Wesley
Have we started yet?
Nicholas Schiller
Yes, LaShay, we're rolling!
Brandan Touhey
yes you may have to refresh the page
Defective Media
Hey everyone, this is Grayson!
Holly June
You sound great!
Nicholas Schiller
(Sound levels for Mariusz are low.)
Richard Snyder
Hi all!
Sierra O'Neal
Hi everyone
Greg Philbrook
Hello good sir!
Nicholas Schiller
By 1985, Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky’s The Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy had been released for the Apple II and Commodore computers; a year later Thomas Disch’s Amnesia would be released
Andrew Thompson
I like the subtle humor the game goes for.
Nicholas Schiller
What makes you call it subtle?
Andrew Thompson
The fish, for example. Just a little detail that isn't important, but has some humor to it.
Nicholas Schiller
Excellent detail, isn't it?
Andrew Thompson
It really is, I know I'll enjoy this.
Nicholas Schiller
The early detective movies were black and white, but the hard boiled detectives like Phillip Marlowe wore colorful socks (Marlowes' had little clocks on them.)
Kathleen Zoller
I love that detail so much
Nicholas Schiller
The text we can see on the screen has two fonts specifically designed for this piece. (Imagine having to design a typeface (no vector fonts) for each screen size!)
Nicholas Schiller
Like the very florid descriptions, the game gives points for the sophistication of their investigation.
Matthew Hannah
Kathleen Zoller
So what do you think is your strongest point: “muscle,” “magnetism,” or “moxie?”
Julie Pahukoa
Nicholas Schiller
Notice how both the hyptext and the game elements use the affordances of the Mac Classic: just so much text on the screen, relying on text more than images.
Preexisting fonts, another thing I wouldn't have thought I was taking for granted in my own creative endeavors compared to the assets (or lack thereof) available to early pioneers
Kathleen Zoller
Julie Pahukoa Nice! And hello again!
Barış A
Moxie is a new word for me, interesting
David Sabrowski
I remembered playing a text based Star Trek game in elementary school on a mac like this. It feels very familiar.
Matthew Hannah
I say that to myself at least once a day, LOL
Holly June
The history of fonts and font development is fascinating!
Julie Pahukoa
Hi Kathleen!
Holly June
Think of moxie like gumption.
Nicholas Schiller
One of the central digital humanities novels (Mr. Penumbra's 24 hour bookstore) centers around typeface. (It's really good)
Kathleen Zoller
@Ashokallaz right?? Alderney and Palencia are two fonts made especially for this work, designed by Andrew Welch
Holly June
A very interesting point of commentary there!
Nicholas Schiller
It is curious that A Sucker in Spades preceeded Amnesia, we traversed Amnesia on a monochrome Apple II and it felt much older than this.
Thanks for sharing Kathleen!
Betsy H
Keegan W
at least it doesn't make you start over completely hahaha
Kathleen Zoller
Yes, I am the tax man, let me in!
Holly June
I wish I could clean my desk by just pushing a button.
David Sabrowski
I picture someone pushing a button and the whole desk tipping to the side, dumping everything on the floor
Kathleen Zoller
Holly you can get pretty close by just sweeping everything off in one smooth motion
Kathleen Zoller
It's that simple!
Kathleen Zoller
Which would you prefer to lose: muscle, magnetism, or moxie?
Kathleen Zoller
I don't think I can afford to lose muscle at this point
Richard Snyder
Kathleen Zoller
David Sabrowski I would buy that desk
Holly June
Kathleen, you have magnetism in spades :)
Holly June
I think I'd prefer to lose muscle. Charisma and gumption can get you far in life.
Kathleen Zoller
Awwe thank you Holly! You
Kathleen Zoller
You've got all three!
Kathleen Zoller
Muscles get you far, in the sense that they help you walk
Richard Snyder
I'd rather lose out on STR over CHA
Kathleen Zoller
Is magnetism spent when your character gets punched/bruised in the face?? Or your character gets irritable?
Julie Pahukoa
I think we "used" some on the librarian.
Greg Philbrook
Richard, my main character always aims for 100% CHA. Party members can carry the STR and DEX.
Richard Snyder
Someone is bluffing his way through life
Holly June
Or praying.
Thankfully reaching out for help in our library doesn't require this much strategy!
Jennifer Matthews-SouzaHorn-rims
Nicholas Schiller
Speaking of library, I'm back! (Students can reach me on Slack w/ research issues)
Holly June
Yay! A helpful librarian appears!
Nicholas Schiller
We can be summoned w/ cardigan sweaters and dog eared book pages.
Holly June
Richard Snyder
In the Directions page you deliberately speak about the work as a hybrid between paper novel and game. Was this form encouraged by the affordances of the Hypergate environment, specifically?
Kathleen Zoller
Mariusz, have you ever encountered A Sucker in Spades before? If not, can you relate to us your first experience with a hypertext work, or electronic literature in general?
Electronic Literature Lab
what a wonderful translation between print and electronic--that may
Electronic Literature Lab
Richard Snyder
This is amazing!
Richard Snyder
I love the map
Richard Snyder
Thank you
Kathleen Zoller
Richard Same!
David Sabrowski
I wonder, what it would take to transfer a game like this into a Twine format (or some other platform)?
Holly June
What type of dice did the paper novel have the reader/player roll?
Dimitri Myers
What if any changes do you think modern ideologies, and technology would change a literary work such as this today?
Andrew Thompson
Holly, I think I read that it was a traditional 6 sided die
Holly June
Thanks, Andrew!
Electronic Literature Lab
Andrew: It is a traditional die
2D6 if I read the PDF of Hard Boiled that Dene provided correctly
Electronic Literature Lab
Yes, Katya
The scoring system seems very punishing in the print version, was that changed in the electronic version?
Kathleen Zoller
Mariusz that's incredible, thank you for sharing! What a journey
Electronic Literature Lab
we will be doing a workshop in Twine in 392 this semster
Electronic Literature Lab
This will allow you to experience the platform
Kathleen Zoller
Is anyone invited to this workshop??
Kathleen Zoller
Is this work a completely accurate portrayal of the story it is based on, or are there parts that needed to be left out?
Electronic Literature Lab
Katya, it is a very complex system which is juxtaposed against a very simple story
I had the same impression, thank you for clarifying
Electronic Literature Lab
Team DTSEO: good question
Tanner J. Gohl
I have my volume at the max and I can't really hear you Dene
Electronic Literature Lab
I find this kind of work--where there is a print component--fascinatingb
Electronic Literature Lab
thanks Tanner
Dimitri Myers
Wonderful, I was thinking something similar. And surprisingly these stories feel more rich in context and dialogue than that of animated or visually focused stories i'm unsure could be recreated.
Jazz Jackson
Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons? If so, have you ever seen or wanted to see a hypertext fiction version of it?
Electronic Literature Lab
Electronic Literature Lab
Good to see you, Matthew!
Would you consider the player experience of this work as enjoyable (or more so) than if a person read the story?
Dimitri Myers
That's fascinating. Thank you for your contributions :)
Kathleen Zoller
Jazz, I believe there is already something like this, but I'm blanking on what it's called. Holly, what was that RPG game called that we saw in the Living Computers Museum?
Kathleen Zoller
Maybe Richard knows??
Holly June
Oh I don't remember! But I have photos somewhere. It was very similar to D&D though, similar stats, items, classes, races, etc.
Holly June
It wasn't quite as immersive as this story though-- the writing really helps you engage with the game elements here
Electronic Literature Lab
one of the questions I will ask my students after the event today is about the game mechanics
Kathleen Zoller
True, true!
Electronic Literature Lab
I want you all to be thinking about this in preparation of that discussion
David Sabrowski
Jazz, I currently play Idle Champions of Dungeons and Dragons, and while it isn't like the tabletop game, it does pop up Twitch links all the time of D&D groups that tabletop over Twitch.
Greg Philbrook
There are tons and tons of games that use the D&D rules, but hypertext in particular is a little more rare.
Greg Philbrook
Tons of RPGs, though, and plenty of text-based adventure games.
Greg Philbrook
Old BioWare games almost exclusively used those rules.
Greg Philbrook
Neverwinter, KOTOR, etc.
Dimitri Myers
KOTOR was a gem, that sadly was never remastered.
Thank you for another incredible traversal!
Greg Philbrook
One of these days, my friend. KOTOR was so awesome. Just showed it to my nieces a few months ago.
Richard Snyder
Thank you so much, Mariusz!
Mariusz Pisarski
Thank you guesy
Tanner J. Gohl
Thank you!
Defective Media
thank you!
Barış A
Thank you
Dimitri Myers
Thank you!
Jazz Jackson
Thank you!
Ransom Reed
Brandan Touhey
thank you for the presentation!
Betsy H
Thank you!
Keegan W
Nix Pendergast
thank you!
Julie Pahukoa
Thank you!
Thank you!
Andrew Thompson
Thank you!
C.J. Maldonado
Thank you!
Bayleigh Parsons
Thank you!
LaShay Wesley
Thank you so much
Kathleen Zoller
Thank you Mariusz for reading for us! What a pleasure! Richard Snyder What a treat to see this rare Hypergate work. Thanks all!
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- dichiara-sucker-social-media-twitter-ell-04
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