Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane MariaMain MenuContentTable of contentsIntroductionIntroduction to the timelineAcknowledgmentsTime to say thank youAbout the AuthorsA little bit about the contributorsTimelineContent for the months of September 2017 through September 2018InterviewsInterviews with libraries, archives and museum professionals about the impact of hurricane Maria at their institutionsContributeContribute to the timelineHilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
October 2017
1media/Eather_201710012.png2018-08-04T14:48:56-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae3099213Timeline of events for the month of October 2017plain2018-09-10T21:59:11-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeDuring the month of October, institutions were working hard to get back on their feet. The Heritage Emergency National Task Force from FEMA began collecting data about the extent of damages experienced by cultural institutions and provided orientation on how to apply for funding at various venues. A diversity of initiatives started emerging to aid the recovery process, locally and with support of organizations and institutions outside of the Island like the Smithsonian Institution. Also, as the electricity and access to Internet was being restored across the Island, we see more publications, news interviews, calls for help and exposure of the damages on the media.
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12018-08-13T10:15:41-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeTimelineHilda Teresa Ayala-González22Content for the months of September 2017 through September 2018plain8597222019-04-14T19:55:57-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
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12018-07-29T21:35:42-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“Puerto Rico’s museums on the mend”9Publication - Articel by Victoria Stapley Brown published at The Art Newspaper with the story of the museums on the Island that began opening its doors and coordinating activities for the community after the hurricane.media/ArtNews_20171005.pngplain2018-08-14T10:23:34-07:00The Art Newspaper10-05-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:39:22-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“Why Thousands of People Around the World Are Mapping Puerto Rico's Buildings and Streets”7Publication - Article by Maddie Stone published at Earther presenting one of the mapping activities that took place at the University of Pennsylvania where Puerto Rican Coral Salomón, former National Digital Stewardship Resident at Penn’s Fisher Fine Arts Library with Girmaye Misgna, Mapping and Geospatial Data Librarian, and Amanpreet (Aman) Kaur, STEM Librarian coordinated the efforts.media/Eather_201710012.pngplain2018-09-11T19:13:43-07:00Earther10-12-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:35:14-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeLeader of Taino Activity Center4Event - Leader of Taino Activity Center Cacique Caciba Opil Veguilla explains Hurricane Maria's damages to FEMA representative Jennifer Groman.media/FEMA_20171028.pngplain2018-08-14T10:39:46-07:00FEMA10-28-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:00:02-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“La Escuela de Artes Plásticas sufrió daños considerables por María”4Publication - Article by Mariela Fullana Acosta published at El Nuevo Día presenting the Francisco Oller library in the Escuela de Artes Plásticas. The building was deeply affected by the collapse of a wall and some broken skylights and windows. They loss part of their reference collection and art exhibit catalogs.media/ENDI_20171023.pngplain2018-08-14T10:31:37-07:00El Nuevo Día10-23-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-04T14:58:55-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeCoalición por el Patrimonio de Puerto Rico’s meeting at Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico4Event - Cultural Institutions representatives gather to built a working group for emergency preparedness. Participants include: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, Municipio de Ponce, Municipio de Bayamón, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras - Administración Central y Museo de Historia, Antropología y Arte, Municipio de Caguas, Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín, Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades, National Endowment for the Humanities, Museo de Arte de la Universidad de Puerto Rico - Recinto de Mayagüez, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Museo Casa Roig y el Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico. Jennifer Growan del Heritage Emergency National Task Force, Marta Mabel Pérez, Director MAPR.media/MAPR_20171030.pngplain2018-08-14T10:40:12-07:00Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico10-30-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:01:30-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeDetenido el panorama del arte en museos y galerías de Puerto Rico tras el paso del Huracán María”4Publication - Articel by Edwin Velazquez Collazo published at Puerto Rico Art News highlighting the lack of museums exhibits and public programming, essential for cultural and tourism activities. Due to the extent of damages and the failure of the electric grid many institutions are closed or providing partial services.media/ArtNews_20171023.pngplain2018-08-14T10:32:12-07:00Puerto Rico Art News10-23-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:02:38-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae"FEMA's effort to preserve Puerto Rico's culture and history"4Publication - Article by Mariela Fullana Acosta published at El Nuevo Día highlighting an innitiative by the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico to provide a secure temporary storage to art collections in need.media/FEMA_20171024.pngplain2018-08-14T10:32:52-07:00FEMA10-24-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:49:15-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“Incierto el futuro para escuelas destrozadas”4Publication - Article by Keila López Alicea published at El Nuevo Día exposing the Marcelino Canino School Library in Dorado. It is shown destroyed by more than five feet of river water and mud.media/Endi_20171017.pngplain2018-08-14T10:27:30-07:00El Nuevo Día10-17-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:55:19-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeMAPR trabaja en rescate del patrimonio cultural en Puerto Rico después del paso del huracán María3Funding - Smithsonian Institution provides grant of $75,000 to the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico for providing provisional storage for art collections and training.media/MAPR_20171023.pngplain2018-08-14T10:29:16-07:00Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico10-23-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:23:15-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“I’m a librarian in Puerto Rico, and this is my Hurricane Maria survival story"3Publication - Articel by Evelyn Milagros Rodríguez published at The Conversation presenting her story as a special collections librarian at the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao, in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.media/Conversation_20171026.pngplain2018-08-14T10:38:21-07:00The Conversation10-26-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:57:14-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae"Huracán María"3Publication - Articel by Proyecto de Archivo Digital Nacional de Puerto Rico (ADNPR) presenting the damages at the Archivo Digital Nacional de Puerto Rico, located in the Archivo General, losing some of its digitization equipment when one of the windows collapsed.media/ADN_20171021.pngplain2018-08-14T10:30:05-07:00Archivo Digital Nacional de Puerto Rico10-21-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:25:57-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“El huracán María trae pérdidas de talleres, obras y económicas a nuestros artistas plásticos”3Publication - Article by Edwin Velázquez Collazo published at Puerto Rico Art News exposing the damages affecting over 30 plastic artist in Puerto Rico in their workshops and agenda.media/ArtNews_20171026.pngplain2018-08-14T10:38:39-07:00Puerto Rico Art News10-26-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:36:53-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“El Museo de la Salsa sufre daños colaterales por Huracán María en P.R.”3Publication - Article by Eduardo Molina published at A son de Salsa with Robert Padilla, founder of El Museo de la Salsa explaining the damages and losses due to the Hurricane.media/Salsa_20171006.pngplain2018-08-14T10:24:03-07:00A son de Salsa10-12-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:56:15-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“Golpe histórico a vitrales centenarios”3Publication - Articel by Jorge Rodríguez published at El Vocero highlighting 6 of 27 stained glasses from 1915 installed at the San Agustín Church were loss due to the intense winds.media/Vocero_20171020.pngplain2018-08-14T10:30:30-07:00El Vocero10-20-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:47:41-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“El Cuartel de Ballajá sufrió cuantiosos daños”3Publication - Article by Liz Yanira Del Valle Huertas published at El Nuevo Día highlighting one of Old San Juan emblematic buildings reporting up to 3 millions in damages.media/ENDI_20171013.pngplain2018-08-14T10:25:11-07:00El Nuevo Día10-13-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:45:51-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“Archivo de expedientes de Centro Judicial de Bayamón sufrió daños por María”3Publication - Article by José A. Sánchez published at Primera Hora exposing the government building and records that were damaged by winds, flooding, broken windows and doors. Because of the lack of security and the extent of days unattended offices were also vandalized.media/PH_20171013.pngplain2018-08-14T10:25:46-07:00Primera Hora10-13-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:15:08-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeBiblioteca Pública de Guayanilla asks for help after flooding3Event - Conexión Caribe, a nonprofit organization alerts the community of the damages suffered by the Guayanilla Public library after the river destroyed it and asks for donations to restore its services.media/ConexionCaribe_20171024.pngplain2018-08-14T10:33:28-07:00Conexión Caribe10-24-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:51:35-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeJane Stern Dorado Community Library Hurricane Relief Fund3Funding - A community library plays a fundamental role in the recovery process. In Dorado, they open a funding campaign to help hurricane survivors.media/JaneFunding_20171018.pngplain2018-08-14T10:27:52-07:00Jane Stern Dorado Community Library10-18-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:16:08-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeConservators meeting3Event - Conservators in Puerto Rico gather to plan for local disaster relief. Organized by Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, sponsored by Smithsonian Institution.media/MAPR_20171025.pngplain2018-08-14T10:37:58-07:00Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico10-25-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:33:53-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeRebuild Puerto Rico3Event - The Center for Puerto Rican Studies launches website to inform the diaspora on issues about the state of the Island and address help initiatives from the US according to the needs.media/Centro_20171001.pngplain2018-08-14T10:23:14-07:00CentroPR10-01-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-08-08T21:52:32-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“In battered Puerto Rico, an art museum full of treasures Is open for business”2Publication - Article by Patrick Monahan published at Vanity Fair about the Museo de Arte de Ponce which was able to open its doors to serve the community in only a week, free of charge.media/MAP_20171006.pngplain2018-08-14T10:26:38-07:00Vanity Fair10-06-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:13:58-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae“Se convierte en depósito provisional para otras instituciones” by Mariela Fullana Acosta published at El Nuevo Día2The Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico is providing a secure temporary storage to art collections in need; to facilitate the help is coordinating a meeting with institutions.media/ENDI_1024.pngplain2018-08-06T23:10:32-07:00El Nuevo Día10-24-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T21:58:42-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeSurvey “Inventario de necesidades y daños” by ArchiRED”1The Red de Archivos de Puerto Rico developed a form to collect data of damages and needs from archives.media/Inventario_20171021.pngplain2018-07-29T21:58:43-07:00ArchiRED10-21-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-07-29T22:40:23-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeSurvey “Inventario de Necesidades y Daños” by ArchiRED, Reforma, SBPR, and others1Initiative to expand data collection about damages and needs in archives, libraries and museums. The results were used to coordinate workshops, training, and plan site visits by conservators for collection assessment.media/Inventario_20171030.pngplain2018-07-29T22:40:23-07:00ArchiRED, REFORMA, SBPR10-30-2017Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae