Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria

December 2017

One of the problems highlighted by archivists, librarians and museum personnel was the lack of specialized training related to emergency response. The high demand of professional companies (and funding to hire them) to aid in the rescue of resources that were under threat by the unstable environment, made decision making hard as the amount of help needed across the Island was far beyond the resources available. People needed to act accordingly to what they knew and with what they had at hand.

During December we see the first specialized workshop aimed to "train the trainer" in protocols related to emergency response, personal protective equipment and safe handling of damaged resources offered by the Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF). Also, there is an increase in opportunities for assessment visits by HENTF and the National Heritage Responders (NHR - a group coordinated by the American Institute for Conservation).

Moreover, colleagues continue to expose their institution's condition and a comprehensive report about the extent of damages experienced by historical properties and sites is published.


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