Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria

July 2018

We begin July with a published draft of the Government of Puerto Rico’s recovery plan, which includes aiding cultural institutions amongst their targets. This was made available for comments, and the final report should be finalized within the next months. Two new funding opportunities are announced, one by Lin Manuel Miranda to support the arts and the other by the Prince Claus Fund through its Cultural Emergency Response program to aid institutions which are still under threat after the disaster. El Nuevo Día published an article about the slow recovery process of the Island's main University Campus and writer Eduardo Lalo reflects on the destruction of cultural property and the losses that come with it.
A librarian from the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez, Grisell Rodríguez, and her husband, Anderson Brown, present the current situation of the Island at the Kendal Community in Oberlin Ohio, and a new workshop coordinated by the American Institute for Conservation and offered by Jeremy Linden focusing on moisture control in non-mechanized environment and disaster situations was offered.

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