Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane MariaMain MenuContentTable of contentsIntroductionIntroduction to the timelineAcknowledgmentsTime to say thank youAbout the AuthorsA little bit about the contributorsTimelineContent for the months of September 2017 through September 2018InterviewsInterviews with libraries, archives and museum professionals about the impact of hurricane Maria at their institutionsContributeContribute to the timelineHilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
August 2018
1media/CARBICA_20180802.png2018-09-04T10:45:13-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae309925Timeline of events for the month of August 2018plain2018-10-08T19:15:16-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeIn August, one month before the anniversary of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, the Government of Puerto Rico announced that the power was 100% restored in the Island. Also, the Caribbean Branch of the International Council on Archives (CARBICA) published a resolution to create the Caribbean Heritage Emergency Network (CHEN), including a representative from Puerto Rico. In addition, the Latin American and Caribbean Cultural Heritage Archives Section from the Society of American Archivist invited Hilda Teresa Ayala-González to present on the recovery process of libraries, archives, and museums.
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12018-08-13T10:15:41-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeTimelineHilda Teresa Ayala-González22Content for the months of September 2017 through September 2018plain8597222019-04-14T19:55:57-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
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12018-09-04T09:54:30-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae‘Hamilton’ ticket raffle aims to raise money for damaged library in Puerto Rico3Publication - Article by Cristela Guerrera published at The Boston Globe promoting an initiative from a Library in Lincoln that created a raffle for ‘Hamilton’ tickets to raise money to help rebuild the community library in Loiza.media/BostonGlobe_20180807.pngplain2018-09-04T10:12:16-07:00Boston Globe08-07-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-09-04T09:42:22-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeCaribbean Heritage Emergency Network (CHEN)2Event - The Caribbean Branch of the International Council on Archives (CARBICA) pronounces a resolution to create the Caribbean Heritage Emergency Network (CHEN).media/CARBICA_20180802.pngplain2018-09-04T10:12:59-07:00Caribbean Branch of the International Council on Archives08-02-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-09-04T10:07:10-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeMensaje de Elena González, directora de la Biblioteca Legal del Departamento de Justicia1Publication - Message delivered by Elena González for the American Association of Law Libraries published by Microjuris discussing the damaged suffered in the Department of Justice and the loss of the Law Library.media/Microjuris_20180808.pngplain2018-09-04T10:07:10-07:00Microjuris08-08-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-09-04T10:09:48-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeRecordando lo que causó el Huracán María a la Biblioteca de la UPRH1Publication - Article by Milagros Rodríguez published at Colecciones al Día highlighting the damages suffered by the University of Puerto Rico, Humacao’s Library almost a year ago.media/UPRH_20180817.pngplain2018-09-04T10:09:48-07:00Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao08-17-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-09-04T10:14:54-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aePuerto Rico's Libraries, Archives and Museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria1Event - Presentation by Hilda Teresa Ayala-González in the annual conference of the Society of American Archivist about the recovery process in Puerto Rico in archives, libraries and museums.media/SAA_20180817.pngplain2018-09-04T10:14:54-07:00Society of American Archivist08-17-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-09-04T10:17:21-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeReport: “The Working Conference on Regional Approaches on Disaster Recovery and Heritage Preservation”1Publication - Article by Zara Ali and Ashleigh Morris published at the Universiteit Leiden News presents the efforts coordinated by the Caribbean Archives Association (CARBICA), a branch of the International Council on Archives (ICA) to train a group of archivist, librarians and cultural heritage professional in Saint Maarten from July 30 to August 2 about disaster recovery with participants from Saint Martin, Puerto Rico, Dominica and the British Virgin Islands.media/Leiden_20180827.pngplain2018-09-04T10:17:21-07:00Universiteit Leiden News08-27-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-09-04T10:19:11-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aePUL librarians Fernando Acosta-Rodríguez and Brenna Campbell help preserve irreplaceable Puerto Rican collections damaged by Hurricane Maria1Publication - Article by Stephanie Ramírez published at Princeton University Library News highlighting the efforts from 2 PUL librarians helping in the recovery of the library at University of Puerto Rico in Humacao.media/PUL_20180828.pngplain2018-09-04T10:19:11-07:00Princeton University Library News08-28-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae
12018-10-08T19:13:41-07:00Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2aeRicanstruction: Reminiscing & Rebuilding Puerto Rico – A Comics Anthology to Benefit Hurricane Relief in Puerto Rico1Event Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez graphic novelist and creator of La Borinqueña announces the anthology Ricanstruction: Reminiscing & Rebuilding Puerto Rico benefit to aid the recovery process in Puerto Rico. Some of the funding will be awarded to institutions that promote reading and are developing libraries for their communities.media/LaBorinquena_20180820.pngplain2018-10-08T19:13:41-07:00La Borinqueña08-20-2018Hilda Teresa Ayala-González8debada32f20c24cccbfe3e9c49abc73bd02b2ae