Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria

April 2018

April begins with a project by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture to aid in the replacement of lost books at universities in Puerto Rico (like the School of Architecture’s Library) through donations by libraries, faculty members and publication companies. On the Island, the first panel about the impact of Hurricane Maria in cultural and educational institutions is coordinated by the Asociación de Egresados de la Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información (ASEGRABCI) with representatives from museum, archives and libraries. The final report from the National Hurricane Center about Maria is released and three more workshops related to emergency preparedness and preservation of collections are offered.
The Island, almost seven months after Hurricane Maria, experienced another blackout. Interestingly enough, it happened the same day (April 18) that the NEH was giving a webinar about opportunities to apply for a preservation grant which had a special call for institutions that were affected that year by the natural disaster. We also start seeing announcements of grants awarded to institutions by the Society of American Archivist, Beta-Local and other initiatives aiding in the recovery process.

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