Speech for dedication of the Polar Bear Room
1 2017-11-10T04:04:17-08:00 Natalia Holtzman 3bc8196281034c0edcbedc5566da15e84a149850 25325 8 Text of a speech by an unnamed speaker (Macalla himself?) who calls on “Judge McKenzie” to provide “a brief history of the expedition in which the Polar Bears took part.” The occasion is the dedication of the Polar Bear Room but this particular speech is primarily an introduction to Judge McKenzie. plain 2017-12-15T10:58:59-08:00 Michael J. Macalla papers, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan Text of speech (typed) 10000057 Polar Bear Room, Judge McKenzie Statement of rights from archival material host organization, Bentley Historical Library: “Copyright to this material has not been transferred to the Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. Complying with copyright law is ultimately the responsibility of the author, producer and publisher. To the extent that the Bentley Historical Library possesses rights to this material, you are granted permission to publish or use images/quote one time only in the work described above.” This archive uses these materials under the above premises and in consideration of Fair Use principles. 42.327021, -83.0456054 Speech for dedication of the Polar Bear Room, Box 1, Folder 5, Item 14, Michael J. Macalla Papers, 1918-1956, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/polar/851792.0005.014/1?rgn=full+text;view=image The collection was donated by Michael Macalla, of Detroit, Michigan, in 1965 (Donor no.: 4274) Natalia Holtzman 11/2/17 Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen; and my comrades We are gathered here tonight in a ceremony to dedicate this room in honor of Detroit's own Polar Bears who fought the Bolsheviks in North Russia, in World War I. Without further ado we will begin the ceremony by asking [blank] to the deliver the invocation. For the benefit of our friends and relatives who are not familiar with the history of the organization, I'll call upon Judge McKenzie, Referee in Bankruptcy, of the U. S. District Court, to give us a brief history of the expedition in which the Polar Bears took part. . . . . . . . .Judge McKenzie. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to introduce to you a gentleman who has had a varied career as a public servant, having served the public as assistant Prosecutar, assistant attorney general, City Corporation Counsel and is presently Judge of the Recorder's Court. In addition to the offices he has held, he has also served as a member of the Memorial Hall Commission for the past 20 years. This Commission has authority and direction over the entire Civic Center Area, which covers an area from Randolph Street, on the east, to Thrid Street on the west, and South of Jefferson to the River, Besides the veterans Memorial Building. Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you Judge F. G. Schemanske, Vice-President of the Memorial Hall Commission, and my boss if you please, who will make the presentation.........Judge Schemanske. Natalia Holtzman 3bc8196281034c0edcbedc5566da15e84a149850This page has tags:
- 1 2017-11-18T07:50:56-08:00 Angela Schöpke a9b85985047875065a895f217f6d9371b9e08ba7 Map Angela Schöpke 8 google_maps 2017-12-09T16:32:53-08:00 Angela Schöpke a9b85985047875065a895f217f6d9371b9e08ba7