Polar Bear Bulletin, v.1, no.7 Oct.1, 1929
1 2017-11-10T05:15:00-08:00 Natalia Holtzman 3bc8196281034c0edcbedc5566da15e84a149850 25325 5 This is a bulletin written by H.J. Reimold (Commander) and Arnold Gynac (Adjutant) from the Polar Bear Post describing events and current activities of the Polar Bear Post. The bulletin discusses a meeting at which Comrades Even and Macalla were expected to provide updates about the repatriation effort. Five members of the commission tasked with repatriating the bodies are named: Shilson, Derham, Evans, Macalla, and Dundon. The Graves Registration Service is also named as the body responsible for preparing bodies for shipment back to the U.S. Insights are also given about how one of the bodies was located (with the assistance of a Russian nurse). September 28, 1929 is noted as a date that a shipment of 28 bodies left Russia for the U.S. The document also discusses Polar Bear Post membership recruitment and fundraising activities in support of an orphanage. plain 2017-12-15T10:05:40-08:00 Michael J. Macalla papers, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan October 1, 1929 Official Correspondence 10000050 H.J. Reimold (Commander), Arnold Gynac (Adjutant) Statement of rights from archival material host organization, Bentley Historical Library: “Copyright to this material has not been transferred to the Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. Complying with copyright law is ultimately the responsibility of the author, producer and publisher. To the extent that the Bentley Historical Library possesses rights to this material, you are granted permission to publish or use images/quote one time only in the work described above.” This archive uses these materials under the above premises and in consideration of Fair Use principles. 42.331324, -83.03723539999999 Polar Bear Bulletin, v.1, no.7 Oct.1, 1929, Box 1, Folder 2, Item 1, Michael J. Macalla Papers, 1918-1956, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/polar/851792.0002.001/1?rgn=full+text;view=image The collection was donated by Michael Macalla, of Detroit, Michigan, in 1965 (Donor no.: 4274) Angela Schöpke October 27, 2017 Vol. 1, No. 7 October 1, 1929 Polar Bear Bulletin Detroit, michigan Next meeting Friday October 11th, 8:15 P.M. Comrades Evans and Macalla who will be with us, will have interesting stories to relate about their trip to Russia. Four members of the commission have returned. They are, Shilsen, Derhall, Evans, and Macallen. Comrade Dunden stayed in Russia until the Gravas Registration men had finished their work of Preparing the bodies for shipment. According to newspaper reports eighty-one bodies were located and the shipment left Russia Sept. 28 accompanied by Dundon, and the men from the Graves Registration Service. A this time it is net known when the bodies will reach the states. No doubt definite plans will be made a son as Comrade Dundon gets to France. Comrade Derham attended our meeting of Sept. 27 and gave an interesting account of the river fronts which he visited. He reported that the body of Lt. Powers of 337th Amb. Co. was located, assistance being given by a Russian nurse who was the hospital at Shenkurst at the time Lt. Powers was wounded. After the meeting, coffee and lunch will be served in the large dining room. At our last business meeting the lunch met with the approval of the comrades, so it was decided to serve a lunch after each business meeting. NEW MEMBERSHIP We are now working on our new membership plan. Many Polar Bears desire to join Polar Bear Post and if we make an effort to call on them it will not be difficult to get them in. Recall the names of some of your buddies and if they are not members, take out their card at our meeting, and have them join at our November meeting. All Polar Bears in Detroit are being mailed literature of various kinds. Comrade Jack Dunn is at Marine Hospital, convalescing from an appendicitis operation. The days will be a little shorter and it will be less monotonous if you call on him. He will be there the rest of this week. 1:00-4:00 to 7:00-9:OO P.M visiting hours. Several important matters were Passed on at our last meeting. The Proposal to sell our bond was voted down. It will now be necessary to divise[sic] some means of raising $500.00 to take up our pledge toward the building at our National orphans home. H. J. Reinold Arnold Gynae Commander Adjutant Natalia Holtzman 3bc8196281034c0edcbedc5566da15e84a149850This page has tags:
- 1 2017-11-18T07:50:56-08:00 Angela Schöpke a9b85985047875065a895f217f6d9371b9e08ba7 Map Angela Schöpke 8 google_maps 2017-12-09T16:32:53-08:00 Angela Schöpke a9b85985047875065a895f217f6d9371b9e08ba7