Polar Bear Expedition Digital Archival CollectionMain MenuIntroductionContextTimelineMapAll Archive ItemsResourcesSelected additional resources for further information and research.Angela Schöpkea9b85985047875065a895f217f6d9371b9e08ba7Natalia Holtzman3bc8196281034c0edcbedc5566da15e84a149850Robert Pfaff26e53fe8d0a26f48a7d0471c72f29e971c17bb65
Letter from Fred Green, May 26, 1930
12017-11-16T14:49:28-08:00Natalia Holtzman3bc8196281034c0edcbedc5566da15e84a149850253254This is a letter giving advance notice to Michael J. Macalla that Gov. Fred W. Green will not be seeking re-election in any public office.plain2017-12-15T11:46:37-08:00Michael J. Macalla papers, Bentley Historical Library, University of MichiganMay 26, 1930Letter, Typed10000017Michael J. MacallaGovernor Fred W. GreenStatement of rights from archival material host organization, Bentley Historical Library: “Copyright to this material has not been transferred to the Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. Complying with copyright law is ultimately the responsibility of the author, producer and publisher. To the extent that the Bentley Historical Library possesses rights to this material, you are granted permission to publish or use images/quote one time only in the work described above.” This archive uses these materials under the above premises and in consideration of Fair Use principles.42.265752, -84.954242Letter from Fred Green, May 26, 1930, Box 1, Folder 3, Item 7, Michael J. Macalla Papers, 1918-1956, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/polar/851792.0003.007/1?rgn=full+text;view=imageThe collection was donated by Michael Macalla, of Detroit, Michigan, in 1965 (Donor no.: 4274)Rob PfaffNov. 8, 2017state of Michigan executive office Lansing May 26, 1930 Mr. Michael J Macalla 8948 Mendota Detroit, Michigan My dear Mr. Macalla: Am expecting to announce in the next few days that I will not be a candidate for any office at the coming primaries. Please treat this information as confidential for the present. The suggestion on the part of many good citizens that I become a candidate for renomination or a candidate for the United States Senate has been most pleasing. I am also appreciative of the splendid cooperation that you have given me. The thoughts of these friendly relations will be a satisfaction to me in the years to come. They are more than ample compensation for whatever I have been able to contribute to the State. There is much to be done in the remaining months. I hope to have the same cooperation and friendly spirit that you have given me in the past. Sincerely yours, [Signature]Natalia Holtzman3bc8196281034c0edcbedc5566da15e84a149850