Polar Bear Expedition Digital Archival CollectionMain MenuIntroductionContextTimelineMapAll Archive ItemsResourcesSelected additional resources for further information and research.Angela Schöpkea9b85985047875065a895f217f6d9371b9e08ba7Natalia Holtzman3bc8196281034c0edcbedc5566da15e84a149850Robert Pfaff26e53fe8d0a26f48a7d0471c72f29e971c17bb65
Letter from King George
12017-11-10T07:38:32-08:00Angela Schöpkea9b85985047875065a895f217f6d9371b9e08ba7253256This is a letter sent from King George the Vth to Mrs. Frank Peters in New Jersey. The letter addresses all soldiers on the Polar Bear Expedition, complimenting them for their work. The third page includes a handwritten note by “Mack”, perhaps Macalla? Addressed to his sisters and brothers.plain2017-12-15T10:18:28-08:00Michael J. Macalla papers, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan04/1918Letter, handwritten10000018King George V of Great Britain; Michael Macalla or MackStatement of rights from archival material host organization, Bentley Historical Library: “Copyright to this material has not been transferred to the Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. Complying with copyright law is ultimately the responsibility of the author, producer and publisher. To the extent that the Bentley Historical Library possesses rights to this material, you are granted permission to publish or use images/quote one time only in the work described above.” This archive uses these materials under the above premises and in consideration of Fair Use principles.51.48389399999999, -0.6044027000000369Letter from King George, Box 1, Folder 2, Item 8, Michael J. Macalla Papers, 1918-1956, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/polar/851792.0002.008/1?rgn=full+text;view=imageThe collection was donated by Michael Macalla, of Detroit, Michigan, in 1965 (Donor no.: 4274).Angela SchöpkeOctober 27, 2017A MESSAGE TO YOU FROM HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE Vth Mrs. Frank Peters 130 Third st. Elizabeth New Jersey, U.S.A. Soldiers of the United States, the people of the British Isles welcome you on your way to take your stand beside the Armies of the many Nations now fighting in the old world the great battle for human freedom. The allies will gain new heart & spirit in your company. I wish that I could shake the hand of each one of you & bid you god speed on your mission. George R.D. April 1918Natalia Holtzman3bc8196281034c0edcbedc5566da15e84a149850