Colorado Fuel and Iron: Company Mines

Calumet Iron Mine

Colorado Mines

Location: Chaffee County, Colorado
Years of Operation: 1882-1899
Total Production (Tons): 239,363


The Calumet Mine was located in 188. The town of Calumet was named for the Calumet Mine by CF&I and was populated while the mine was active. A county boundary dispute touched off by the district’s mineral discoveries resulted in Whitehorn being transferred from Chaffee County to Fremont County in 1899. Although Vanderwilt (1949) reports no recorded production, others indicate that the area’s mines were actively producing iron, with some gold, silver and copper in ~1904, and the supply towns of Whitehorn, Manoa and Cameron were booming

This page has paths:

  1. Chaffee County Todd Antonson
  2. Mines Opened or Began Operation 1880-1890 Christopher J. Schreck
  3. CF&I Mines Listed Alphabetically Christopher J. Schreck