This tag was created by Maria Frank.  The last update was by Matt Gunther.

Field Guides to Food

Information / Knowledge Building

Examples and processes related to the ways that people are gaining knowledge about food in its systemic context.

We all borrow food practices and values from other people. But what are the channels through which we do this? Under what conditions do some people become teachers, and others learners? Items that describe social patterns in these channels and conditions help to explain how “structures of information and knowledge” become a factor shaping the food system.


[resources currently marked with this tag were originally marked with the Scalar tag "Education" with the definition below]

This term can be used in a very broad sense to encompass all forms of passing on knowledge, including but not limited to primary, secondary, and post-secondary education; community classes; continuing professional education; public service announcements; labeling; experiential learning; purposeful tourism; etc.

Related terms: consumer education, tourism, agritourism

Within the tag family "The Food System."

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