
#70, reconnect the space that advertising has interrupted

In her project Visible Distance/ Second Sight (Gene Autry Trail and Vista Chino) forDesert X, Jennifer Bolande presents several responses to some of the #100hardtruthspresented in my series: particularly in relation to seeing the corporate players who track us while attending to the other truths of place.

“In a cinematic experience animated by driving along Gene Autry Trail, viewers will encounter a series of billboards featuring photographs of the very mountains towards which they are heading.  Each photograph is unique to its position along this route and at a certain point as one approaches each billboard, perfect alignment with the horizon will occur thus reconnecting the space that the rectangle of the billboard has interrupted.  In the language of billboard advertising this kind of reading is referred to as a Burma-Shave after the shaving cream company of the same name who used sequential placement to create messaging that could be read only from a moving vehicle.”

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