The Digital Baermann

Baermann Nachlass Auction Catalogue, Henrici 1922

Henrici, Karl Ernst, ed. Autographen-Sammlung: enthaltend die Autographen aus dem Nachlaß der Clarinettisten Heinrich und Carl Baermann, München, des Philologen Geheimrat Bernh. Rud. Abeken, Osnabrück († 1866), sowie aus dem Archiv einer bedeutenden Musikalienhandlung. Versteigerung 29. und 30. November 1922 (Katalog Nr. 80). Berlin: Karl Ernst Henrici, 1922.

Source D-Heu

In 1922, the Berlin auction house held a sale containing items from the estate of Heinrich and Carl Baermann, together with other collections, including 'the archive of an important music shop'. Unfortunately, rather than grouping each collection according to provenance, the lots were organised by creator, in groups according to their field (the nobility, military and politicians; music and theatre; fine arts; literature and science). There is therefore no way of ascertaining which items originated from the Baermann estate. Listings that they were written or inscribed by, or addressed or dedicated to one of the Baermanns, in particular letters and scores, have been added to relevant the Virtual Archive section, some with links to their current location. However most of the items listed are untraced. Perhaps most regrettable is lot 160:
Bärmann, Heinrich Joseph, berühmter Klarinettist, Kgl. Bayer. Kammermusiker, intimer Freund von C. M. v. Weber, Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Spontini u. a.; 1784—1847. Eigh. Schriftstücke mit und ohne Unterschrift aus der Sammlung der Bärmannschen Familienpapiere, darunter Konzepte zu Briefen, Aufsätze für Zeitschriften, musikal. Notizen, Tagebücher, Niederschriften von Sentenzen philosophischen Inhalts, sowie Gedankenäusserungen allgemeiner Natur. Etwa 44 Seiten. Verschiedene Formate.

Reichhaltiges, noch unbenutztes Material zur Lebensgeschichte des Künstlers mit vielen interessanten Einzelheiten zur Geschichte der Musik, sowie zur Charakteristik des Künstlers und seiner Tätigkeit.

Beigelegt sind verschiedene Briefe etc. von Familienmitgliedern.

Bärmann, Heinrich Joseph, famous clarinettist, Kgl. Bayer. Chamber musician, intimate friend of C. M. v. Weber, Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Spontini and others; 1784-1847. Documents with and without signature from the collection of Bärmann's family papers, including drafts of letters, essays for journals, musical notation, diaries, writings of philosophical aphorisms, as well as statements of a general nature. About 44 pages. Various formats.

Rich, as yet unused material on the life of the artist with many interesting details on the history of music, as well as on the characterisation of the artist and his activities.

Enclosed are various letters etc. from family members.

Henrici, Autographen-Sammlung, 26.
Post-edited Deepl Translation
A full-text search of the catalogue is possible on the website of the Universitäts-Bibliothek Heidelberg.

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