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Allusive Meaning:
A Reference Guide to Alison Bechdel's Fun Home

Lynne Stahl, Author
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Text By Author

Listed below are all of the authors, film directors, and other publishing agents of the texts that appear in Fun Home. Click on a name to see a full list of the works by that individual or group that Bechdel incorporates. If only one work by that author appears, you'll be taken to that work's page.

AA Milne
Adrienne Rich
Albert Camus
Alistair Foote and Anthony Marriott
Anais Nin
Ann Bannon
Arthur Mizener
Barbara Love and Sidney Abbott
Benjamin Spock
CA Tripp
Cecil Beaton
Charles Addams
Charles Ortleb
Del Martin/Phyllis Lyon
EB White
EC Comics
Edward Albee
EM Forster
Ernest Hemingway
Eugene Ionesco
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Frank Capra
Frank W. Dixon
George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart
Georgette Heyer
Ginny Vida
Greek mythology
Gunter Grass
Henry James
Herman Tarnower
Internal Revenue Service
Jack Clayton
James Hilton
James Joyce
Jan de Hartog
Jane Austen
Jane Rule
JD Salinger
Jill Johnston
Jim Henson
John Ruskin
Joseph Conrad
JRR Tolkien
Karla Jay and Allen Young
Kate Millett
Kenneth Clark
Leo Tolstoy
Louisa May Alcott
Marcel Proust
Margaret Anderson and Jane Heap
Margaret Drabble
Marvin Hamlisch
May Sarton
Michael Apted
Nancy Milford
Noah Webster
Olga Broumas
Oscar Wilde
Patricia Nell Warren
Paul Osborn
Peter Roget
Radclyffe Hall
Raymond Abrashkin and Jay Williams
Rita Mae Brown
Roald Dahl
Robert Louis Stevenson
Rudyard Kipling
Ruth and Augustus Goetz
Sam Peckinpah
Sherwood Schwartz
Tim Kiley
Umberto Eco
Violette Leduc
Virginia Woolf
Wallace Stevens
William Faulkner
William Friedkin
William Masters & Virginia Johnson
William Shakespeare
William Styron

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Discussion of "Text By Author"

oscar wilde?

where is the Oscar Wilde??? The Importance of Being Earnest? Ideal Husband?

Posted on 12 May 2021, 11:59 am by rose  |  Permalink

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