The Digital Baermann

Clara Schumann to Carl Baermann, 23 January 1858

From Clara Schumann, Stuttgart, 23 January 1858
To Carl Baermann

Source Listed in Henrici, Autographen-Sammlung, 1922, n.523
Note The Schumann-Briefendatabank lists the recipient of this 6-page letter as Carl Baermann Jnr (1839–1913). However, based on the date and Schumann's later comments about Baermann Jnr, it is more likely that this correspondence is addressed to Baermann Snr. In a letter to Emilie List of 14 February 1858, Schumann refers to socialising with "Freund Bärmann" during a visit to Munich in late 1857 or early 1858. There are further references, including enclosures for Baermann and Rheinberger in a letter to List of 7 September 1860. However on 17 November 1860 she writes "Herrn Reinberger grüße von mir. Bärmann ist aber ein unhöflicher Mensch" ("Give my regards to Mr Reinberger. But Bärmann is a rude man."). In a letter to Bernhard Scholz of 9 December 1892, Schumann refers to reports of Baermann Jnr's playing as if they have never met, indicating that all the previous references are likely to his father.

Description from catalogue:

An Carl Bärmann. Schöner Brief über ihre künstlerischen und privaten Erlebnisse der letzten Zeit.

To Carl Bärmann. Nice letter about her recent artistic and private experiences.

Post-edited Deepl translation

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