Photos of Rob Kendall's "A Life Set for Two"
Folio, Front
The folio measures 6” x 9” in size and is made of a heavy card stock with white and light lavender text and grey lines printed in ink on a photograph. The folio contains an image of water and three grey jagged lines. The image is of a pixelated sun setting or rising over a large body of water and covers the whole page. The three jagged grey lines measure 1/16”, cross the page from left to right, and are separated into three parts on the top, middle, and bottom of the page. The top grey line is located from the top between 1 3/16” and 2 7/16”. The middle grey line is located from the top between 3 15/16” and 4 15/16”. The bottom grey line is located from the top between 6 7/16” and 7 11/16”.
The top of the folio contains the information on the publishing series. The name of the series and the series details covers a little less than one-fourth of the page. The name of the series is centered, white, serif font, underlined in a 1-pixel white line, and located at 8 1/16” bottom, 3/16” left, 4/16” top, and 3/16” right. The series details are white, serif font, underneath the white underline, and separated into two sections. Section one is aligned left, separated into two lines, and located at 7 14/16” bottom, 3/16” left, 14/16” top, and 4 10/16” right. Line one reads: “Volume 2, Number 4” and line two reads: “Fall, 1996”. Section two is aligned left, separated into two lines, and located at 7 14/16” bottom, 4 6/16” left, 14/16” top, and 2/16” right. Line one reads: “for Macintosh & Windows” and “$19.95”.
The center of the folio contains the information on A Life Set For Two and Genetis: A Rhizography. The author’s names and the titles cover one-third of the folio. Robert Kendall’s name is left aligned, white, serif font, and is located at 5 12/16” bottom, 2 7/16” left, 2 15/16” top, and 7/16” right. The author’s name reads: “Robert Kendall”. A Life Set For Two's title is aligned left, sans-serif font, light lavender, and located at 5 4/16” bottom, 1 14/16” left, 3 6/16” top, and 7/16” right. Richard Smyth’s name is left aligned, white, serif font, and is located at 3 13/16” bottom, 2 8/16” left, 4 13/16” top, and 7/16” right. The author’s name reads: “Richard Smyth”. Genetis: A Rhizography’s title is aligned left, sans-serif font, light lavender, and located at 3 4/16” bottom, 1” left, 5 5/16” top, and 7/16” right.
Folio, Back
The folio measures 6” x 9” in size and is made of a gold colored, heavy card stock with black, white, and light lavender text printed in ink. The top of the folio contains the information on A Life Set For Two. The author’s name, the title, a poem, the synopsis, and software cover a little less than half the page. The author’s name is right aligned, white, serif font, and is located at 8 9/16” bottom, 3 9/16” left, 4/16” top, and 4/16” right. The author’s name reads: “Robert Kendall”. The title is left aligned, light lavender, sans-serif font, and is located 8 3/16” bottom, 2 13/16” left, 9/16” top, and 4/16” right. The title reads: “A Life Set For Two”. The poem is black, serif font, separated into four lines, and is located 7 6/16” bottom and 15/16” top. Measuring from the left side, line one is 4/16”, line two is 9/16”, line three is 15/16”, and line four is 9/16”. Line one reads: “The past knows a romantic little place”, line two reads: “where the finished dreams”, line three reads: “glisten forever”, and line four reads: “like overpriced wine in the candlelight.”
The synopsis of A Life Set For Two is left aligned, black, sans-serif font, and separated into two sections. Section one of the synopsis contains one line and is located at 7 1/16” bottom, 4/16” left, 1 13/16” top, and 11/16” right. Line one reads: “Welcome to the Café Passé, where there is always plenty of fine food for thought.” Section two of the synopsis contains seven lines and is located at 5 10/16” bottom, 4/16” left, 2 1/16” top, and 5/16” right. Line one reads: “In this bizarre restaurant, acclaimed poet Robert Kendall sets a place where reminders”, line two reads: “ of lost love (and a good deal of ironic reflection) linger everywhere. While you’re here,”, line three reads: “choose your reading to suit your tastes. Among many delectable menu choices: A Heart”, line four reads: “Well Done, Prison Rations, Stolen Treats, and Manna From the Stars. Or perhaps the”, line five reads: “Dainties Under Glass…Place a retrospective order, and discover how appetites of”, line six reads: “regret, desire, bitterness, and nostalgia feed on memories and dreams. (You can even”, and line seven reads: “choose your aftertaste.) Don’t forget to leave room for dessert!”. The software information is under the synopsis and is located at 5 7/16” bottom, 4/16” left, 3 7/16” top, and 5” right. The software information reads: “For Windows.”.
The center of the folio contains the information on Genetis: A Rhizography. The author’s name, the title, artist’s information, the synopsis, and software start at the center of the page. The author’s name is right aligned, white, serif font, and is located at 4 15/16” bottom, 3 9/16” left, 3 13/16” top, and 4/16” right. The author’s name reads: “Richard Smyth”. The title is left aligned, light lavender, sans-serif font, and is located at 4 ½” bottom, 2 2/16” left, 3 12/16” top, and 4/16” right. The title reads: “Genetis: A Rhizography”. The artist’s information is right aligned, black, sans-serif font, and is located at 4 5/16” bottom, 1 14/16” left, 4 9/16” top, and 4/16” right. The artist’s information reads: “Art and design by Roy Parkhurst, music by Webster Earl Williams, Jr.”
The synopsis of Genetis: A Rhizography is left aligned, black, separated into two sections, and separated into two parts each. Section one of the synopsis is sans-serif font, contains four lines in part one and three lines in part two, and is located at 2 13/16”, bottom, 4/16” left, 4 12/16” top, and 5/16” right. Part one, line one reads: “In the style of what Gregory Ulmer calls the mystory, Richard Smyth uses the genre-”, line two reads: “defying capabilities of hypertext to presents a case for the power of writing in desperate”, line three reads: “circumstances. After the narrator’s mental meltdown on his honeymoon, he learns that”, and line four reads: “only writing has the power to salvage his sanity and his life.” Part two, line one reads: “As he writes, things become stranger still. Voices come to him. He writes allegories”, line two reads: “myths, parables, legends, and “Gut Meditations,” and links them together with the dream-“, and line three reads: “logic of association. Eerie connections and obsessive themes emerge.” Section two of the synopsis is serif font, bold, contains three lines in part one and one in part two, and is located at 2” bottom, 4/16” left, 6 4/16” top, and 7/16” right. Part one, line one reads: “YOU CAN STAY HERE IN THIS JUNKYARD BUT DON’T OPEN THE”, line two reads: “QUANTUMS, DON’T NEURALNET THE INFORMATION, AND DON’T GET”, and line three reads: “LOST ON THE MEMORYPATHS”. Part two, line one reads: “If this sounds like too much for you, go read a book.” The software information is under the synopsis and is located at 1 12/16” bottom, 4/16” left, 7 1/16” top, and 4 4/16” right. The software information reads: “For Macintosh and Windows.”
The bottom of the folio contains the information on the publisher’s information. The computer requirements, publisher’s logo, publisher’s information, and the barcode are underneath the 1-pixel border and cover about a fourth of the page. The 1-pixel border is centered, white, and measures 5 ½”. The computer requirements are left aligned, black, sans-serif font, separated into two lines, and located at 1 2/16” bottom, 4/16” left, 7 9/16” top, and 2 12/16” right. Line one reads: “For WindowsTM and MacintoshTM. Requires 2 MB free” and line two reads: “RAM and a hard disk drive.” The publisher’s logo is a is a black outlined image of a rounded stone doorway in a stoned wall and is located at 5/16” bottom, 1 7/16” left, 8 2/16” top, and 3 15/16” left. The publisher’s information is sans-serif fonts, black, and separated into two sections. Section one is right aligned, contains five lines, and is located at 5/16” bottom, 4/16” left, 8 3/16” top, and 4 9/16” right. Line one reads: “(800) 562-1638”, line two reads: “(617) 924-9044”, line three reads: “FAX (617) 924-9051”, line four reads: “E-MAIL”, and line five reads: “WEB”. Section two is left aligned, contains for lines, and is located at 6/16” bottom, 2 1/16” left, 8 3/16” top, and 2 12/16” right. The barcode is within a white box that contains the ISBN and is located 3/16” bottom, 3 9/16” left, 7 9/16” top, and 4/16” right. The ISBN is centered, black, sans-serif font, and is located at 4/16” bottom, 3 9/16” left, 7 10/16” top, and 2 4/16” right. The ISBN reads: “ISBN 1-884511-32-5”.
Folio, Spine The folio spine measures 9” x ¼” in size. The publishing series, two author’s last names, and the publishing company name are text contained on the spine. The left text of the spine is black, serif font, and reads: “The Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext”. The center-left text of the spine is black, sans-serif font, and reads: “Kendall”. The center-right text of the spine is black, sans-serif font, and reads: “Smyth”. The right text of the spine is black, serif font, and reads: “Eastgate Systems, Inc.”
Folio, Inside, Opened
Folio, Inside Left: The inside folio page is a sleeve that stores the works and paper materials through a vertical opening. The top of the page contains an advertisement for Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext. The advertisement encourages the reader to subscribe to the Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext for four issues priced at $49.95. The bottom of the page contains the copyright information, trademarks, Eastgate Systems, Inc. logo, and Eastgate Systems, Inc. contact information.
Folio, Inside Right: The inside folio page is a sleeve that stores the works and paper materials through a vertical opening. The top of the page contains an advertisement for Tim McLaughlin’s Notes Toward Absolute Zero. Notes Toward Absolute Zero is described as a philatelic novella. The center of the page contains a brief synopsis of the work and a review from Christopher Keep of the University of Alberta. The footer contains the software/hardware information, ISBN, and price of the work.
Floppy Disks, Windows, Front
The floppy disks are white or grey and measures 3 1/2” x 3 11/16”. The label on the front is white with red and black text, measures 2 ¾” x 2 2/16”, and wraps over the top of the disk. The top of the label contains the information on the publishing series The Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext. The publishing information is red and reads: “Volume 2, Number 4” and “Fall, 1996”. The center of the label contains the title and the author’s name. The title and author’s names are red and centered on the left and right side. The left side reads: “Robert Kendall” and “Richard Smyth”. The right side reads: “A Life Set For Two” and “Genetis: A Rhizography”. Underneath the text “Richard Smyth” in black ink is the version number 2 or 3 depending on the disk. Underneath the author’s name, centered, and in red is the text for the operating system: Windows. Separating the top from the bottom of the label is a red thin box with white text that reads: “SERIOUS HYPERTEXT from”. The bottom of the label is white with red text and an ASCII image. The bottom of the label contains the publishing company’s logo, company name, address, and two phone numbers.
Floppy Disks, Windows, Back
The floppy disks are black and measures 3 1/2” x 3 11/16”. The label on the back is white with red text, measures 2 ¾” x ½”, and wraps over the top of the disk. The text on the label contains the copyright information by Eastgate Systems, Inc.
CD, Front
The CD has a diameter of 4 7/16”. The CD is dark red with twelve white lines that create large circles that are offset to the bottom right. The publisher’s name is serif font, white, and located to the left and aligned to the top of the clear, circular plastic piece of the CD. The text inside the circles is sans-serif font, white, and separated into two sections. Section one is located top-right in the first circle and reads: Section two is located bottom-right and reads: “commodity-firmness-delight”.
CD Sleeve, Front
The CD sleeve is white paper with a clear circular window in the center and measures 5” x 5”. The top of the sleeve is an off-white label that wraps over the top and is in red text. The label contains the copyright information by Eastgate Systems, Inc.
CD Sleeve, Back
The CD sleeve is white paper and measures 5” x 5”. The label on the back is off-white, measures 2 ¾” x 2 2/16”, and wraps over the top of the sleeve. The top of the label contains the information on the publishing series The Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext. The center of the label contains the version numbers and titles. The title and author’s names are red and centered on the left and right side. The left side reads: “Robert Kendall” and “Richard Smyth”. The right side reads: “A Life Set For Two” and “Genetis: A Rhizography”. Separating the top from the bottom of the label is a red thin box with white text that reads: “SERIOUS HYPERTEXT from”. The bottom of the label is white with red text and an ASCII image. The bottom of the label contains the publishing company’s logo, company name, address, and two phone numbers.
Registration Mailer, Front
The registration mailer is a white postcard with black inked text. The top left of the postcard contains Eastgate Systems, Inc. contact information. The top-right of the postcard states that no postage is necessary. The center of the postcard is addressed to Eastgate Systems, Inc.
Registration Mailer, Back
The registration mailer is a white postcard with black inked text. The title at the top reads: “Please Register”. The left and right side of the title is a hand pointing toward it. The text prompts the reader to write down information about their product, name, organization, address, city, state, zip/postal code, country, email, and about how they feel.
Booklet, Front
The booklet front is made of white printing paper with black inked text and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The top of the page contains the series name in serif font and reads: “The Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext”. The publishing information is black and reads: “Volume 2, Number 4” and “Fall, 1996”. Underneath the series name is the volume information. The center of the page contains the two author’s names above their works in serif font. The first author’s name and work reads: “Robert Kendall” and “A Life Set For Two”. The second author’s name and work reads: “Richard Smyth” and “Genetis: A Rhizography”. The bottom of the page contains the volume and number in serif font and reads: “volume 1 number 2”.
Booklet, Back
The booklet back is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page is blank.
Booklet, License Agreement and Table of Contents
License Agreement: The page is not numbered, made of white printing paper, and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page contains the information on the license agreement, warranty and disclaimer, copyright for Eastgate Systems, Inc. and the trademark information for Macintosh and Windows.
Table of Contents: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page explains what each section is and where each subsection starts. The subsections contain a page number.
Booklet, Non-Numbered Page and Page 3
Non-Numbered: The page is not numbered, made of white printing paper, and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page has a border at the top and the bottom. The center of the page is blank.
Page 3: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the instructions for installing the program. The title of the page is “GETTING STARTED WITH THE EASTGATE QUARTERLY FOR MACINTOSH”. An image of the Storyspace icon is contained in the instructions.
Booklet, Non-Numbered Page and Page 5
Non-Numbered: The page is not numbered, made of white printing paper, and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page has a border at the top and the bottom. The center of the page is blank.
Page 5: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the instructions for installing the program. The title of the page is “GETTING STARTED WITH THE EASTGATE QUARTERLY FOR WINDOWS”.
Booklet, Page 6 and Page 7
Page 6: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The content of the page is a continuation of the instructions for installing the program. The title of the page is “GETTING STARTED WITH THE EASTGATE QUARTERLY FOR WINDOWS”. The icons for “A Life” and “Genetis” are contained in the instructions.
Page 7: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the instructions for reading the work. The title of the page is “READING A LIFE SET FOR TWO FOR WINDOWS”. An image of the “A Life” icon is contained in the instructions.
Booklet, Non-Numbered Page and Page 9
Non-Numbered: The page is not numbered, made of white printing paper, and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page has a border at the top and the bottom. The center of the page is blank.
Page 9: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the instructions for reading the work. The title of the page is “Reading Genetis: A Rhizography for MACINTOSH”. The icons for “Genetis” and images of keyboard commands are contained in the instructions. The steps are bulleted with a three-leafed image.
Booklet, Page 10 and Page 11
Page 10: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the continuation of the instructions for reading the work. The title of the page is “Reading Genetis: A Rhizographyfor MACINTOSH”. The icons for “Genetis” and images of keyboard commands are contained in the instructions. The steps are bulleted with a three-leafed image.
Page 11: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the instructions for reading the work. The title of the page is “Reading Genetis: A Rhizographyfor WINDOWS”. An image of the “Genetis” icon is contained in the instructions. The steps are bulleted with a three-leafed image.
Booklet, Page 12 and Page 13
Page 12: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are a continuation of the instructions for reading the work. The title of the page is “Reading Genetis: A Rhizography for WINDOWS”. The images of keyboard commands are contained in the instructions.
Page 13: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are acknowledgments for A Life Set For Two. The title of the page is “A Life Set For Two ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS”.
Booklet, Non-Numbered Page and Page 15
Non-Numbered: The page is not numbered, made of white printing paper, and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page has a border at the top and the bottom. The center of the page is blank.
Page 15: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are a written piece by Robert Kendall. The title of the page is “Words and Mirrors: Confessions of an Electronic Poet”.
Booklet, Page 16 and Page 17
Page 16: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the continuation of a written piece by Robert Kendall titled “Words and Mirrors: Confessions of an Electronic Poet”.
Page 17: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the continuation of a written piece by Robert Kendall titled “Words and Mirrors: Confessions of an Electronic Poet”. The paragraph title is “BACKSTAGE AT THE PAGE”.
Booklet, Page 18 and Page 19
Page 18: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the continuation of a written piece by Robert Kendall titled “Words and Mirrors: Confessions of an Electronic Poet”. The paragraph title is “BACKSTAGE AT THE PAGE”.
Page 19: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the continuation of a written piece by Robert Kendall titled “Words and Mirrors: Confessions of an Electronic Poet”. The paragraph title is “BACKSTAGE AT THE PAGE”.
Booklet, Page 20 and Page 21
Page 20:The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the continuation of a written piece by Robert Kendall. The title of the page is “Words and Mirrors: Confessions of an Electronic Poet”. The paragraph title is “WIRED FOR METAPHOR”.
Page 21:The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The contents of the page are the continuation of a written piece by Robert Kendall titled “Words and Mirrors: Confessions of an Electronic Poet”. The paragraph title is “WIRED FOR METAPHOR”.
Booklet, Page 22 and Page 23
Page 22:The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The title of the page is “ABOUT THE AUTHORS”. The content of the page is about Robert Kendall’s life and work.
Page 23: The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page is a continuation of the page titled “ABOUT THE AUTHORS”. The content of the page is about Richard Smyth and Roy Parkhurst’s life and work.
Booklet, Page 24 and Page 25
Page 24:The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page is a continuation of Roy Parkhurst’s information and new information on Roy Parkhurst from the page titled “ABOUT THE AUTHORS”. The content of the page is about Roy Parkhurst and Webster Earl Williams, Jr.’s life and work.
Page 25:The page is made of white printing paper and measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. The page is titled “Questions?” and contains the contact information of Eastgate Systems, Inc.
This page has paths:
This page references:
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 3
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 13
- A Life Set for Two, Folio Back
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 5
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 12
- A Life Set for Two, Folio Front
- A Life Set for Two, Folio Inside
- A Life Set for Two, Registration Mailer Front
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 6
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 11
- Photo of the Spine of Robert Kendall's "A Life Set for Two"
- A Life Set for Two, Package
- A Life Set for Two, Disk 2 Back
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 10
- Photo of the Back of the Sleeve of Robert Kendall's ALSFT
- A Life Set for Two, Registration Mailer Back
- A Life Set for Two, Disk 2 Front
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 9
- ALSFT Manual Pages 16 &17
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 1
- A Life Set for Two, Disk 3 Back
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 8
- A Life Set for Two, CD Front
- A Life Set for Two, Disk 3 Front
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 7
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 2
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 14
- A Life Set for Two, Booklet 4