Lounging in the 60s

Fred J. Novak


Superintendent of Rocky Mountain National Park

Dates of Involvement

1965 - 1969



Fred J. Novak was the superintendent at Rocky Mountain National Park from 1965 to 1969 during the Mission 66 period. He worked with the National Park Service to acquire the furniture for Beaver Meadows Visitor Center. In a letter he writes that the furnishings for Beaver Meadows Visitor Center are not covered with the Federal Supply Schedule (ROMO Archives, 1967). He requested assistance to help procure the items needed to open the visitor center. He was superintendent when the visitor center’s theater and help desk opened to public use on May 26, 1967 (ROMO Archives, 1967). In June, 1967 Novak wrote to the Director explaining the opening of the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center, and included the information about the architect, furnishings, and the movie theater where the short film played for visitors (ROMO Archives, 1967). His involvement in Mission 66 led to the opening of BMVC which still looks very similar to the original today.


National Park Service Superintendent from 1965-1969. Prior work in the National Park Service.


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