AAEEBL Digital Ethics Principles v.2: version 2

Accessibility, Scenario 2

You are an educator. Your institution is finalizing its ePortfolio choices. As a member of the selection committee, you are tasked with verifying that each platform is compliant with the accessibility standards adopted by your institution. In this role, you collaborate with any units that work with students with disabilities to involve them in testing, asking them to provide a representative for the team that makes decisions. 

As part of the vetting process, you also ask the vendor for a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) that shows which accessibility accommodations they have created and which are on the roadmap. Furthermore, the committee hires student assistants working in a Disability Programs and Resource Center to take part in the testing process.

This way, the committee strategically and intentionally assesses each platform in regards to accessibility. 

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