AAEEBL Digital Ethics Principles v.2: version 2Main MenuPrinciple Summaries and Table of ContentsReview all thirteen principles' abstract summaries and navigate to different parts of the document.Introduction: How to Use This DocumentSupportInstitutions should provide appropriate support for students, educators, administrators, and staff who create ePortfolios.Promote AwarenessInstitutional administrators, staff, and educators are responsible for promoting awareness of digital ethics in ePortfolio making.PracticeePortfolio creators need opportunities to develop and practice the digital literacies necessary to create accessible and effective ePortfolios.Evaluating ePortfoliosePortfolio evaluation should consider process, inclusion, reflective practice, and alignment with the stated objectives of the context in which the ePortfolio was created.Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Decolonization (DEIBD)Educators are aware of equity-related challenges and address learning needs related to each student’s identity, culture, and background as they create ePortfolios.AccessibilityAll ePortfolio platforms and pedagogy should be thoroughly vetted for accessibility according to the standards identified by one’s culture, government, or profession.Access to TechnologyAdequate access to technology must be available for all students, and ePortfolio software should be accessible with institutional devices.Respect Author Rights and Re-use PermissionsePortfolio creators should understand and respect author rights, best practices for re-use, and representation.PrivacyePortfolio creators should have ultimate control over public access to their portfolios and the ability to change the privacy settings at any time.Consent for Data UsageePortfolio platform providers need consent to collect and store data from ePortfolio creators.Content StorageePortfolio creators should know where their content is stored, who has access, and how to remove it.Visibility of LaborThe labor required by students, educators, and administrators to create, develop, implement, support, and evaluate ePortfolios should be visible, sustainable, compensated where appropriate, and counted toward evaluation and advancement.Glossary of Key TermsFull List of ResourcesAAEEBL Digital Ethics Task Force MembershipDigital Ethics Task Force membershipTask Force ScholarshipThe Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force
Cross-Platform Compatibility
12021-06-22T13:42:05-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3392927ePortfolio creators should be able to make and view ePortfolios across any device, browser, and operating system with equitable ease of use across devices.plain10920602022-01-30T23:59:29-08:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3ePortfolio creators should be able to make and view ePortfolios across any device, browser, and operating system with equitable ease of use across devices.
ABSTRACT: ePortfolio platforms should operate across devices and operating systems from both the creator and viewer perspective. ePortfolio creators should have the technical knowledge to create ePortfolios that are readable across devices.
Strategies for applying this principle include...
Considering how all aspects of ePortfolio use function across platforms and mobile operating systems, including uploading, viewing, listening, downloading, embedding, and sharing.
Considering ease of use and whether the student will use an application or a web browser to access their ePortfolio on a mobile device.
Providing students with the technical support that they need to use the ePortfolio platform across devices.
Questioning whether or not other users, such as employers, would need to download an application to review or interact with the ePortfolio.
Scenario #1:
You are a recent graduate on the job market and choose to include your ePortfolio link on your resume. You designed your ePortfolio to be viewed on a desktop computer but now imagine that your professional audience will be viewing the site on their mobile devices. You reach out to your former educator to see how you can begin revising the ePortfolio to be effective across platforms.
Your educator sends you to a support page on the platform provider’s website that walks you through design tips for tablet and smartphone viewing and shows you how you can preview the design on different screen sizes. You redesign your ePortfolio with these tips in mind. Then, you reach out to friends and ask them to practice viewing the site on their phones and tablets so that you can troubleshoot any additional errors. When you are sure that the design is functional and professional looking, you distribute the link to potential employers.
Scenario #2:
You are an educator who has asked your students to complete an ePortfolio as part of a capstone course. Students have already selected artifacts from their learning and co-curricular experiences to include in the ePortfolio but have not yet begun creating and filling the actual site. You distribute a survey to students to identify how comfortable they are using digital devices, if they have used the ePortfolio platform before, and how familiar they are with ePortfolios as a genre. You discover that while students use digital devices often for social media, few have created a website and none know what an ePortfolio is. On the first day exploring the platform, you observe students struggling to make minimal changes to the premade template.
You need to provide students with additional support in how to use the ePortfolio platform: (1) explicitly support the technical knowledge needed in the ePortfolio creation process in the course; (2) put students in contact with institutional, local, or public experts; (3) create classroom spaces for students to share peer knowledge and ask each other questions across a learning community. You should also discuss students’ unfamiliarity with ePortfolios with the program administrator and/or staff member to see how students can learn about ePortfolios before entering the capstone course.
Scenario #3:
You are an educator at a small, private college where the administration already has a contract with a particular ePortfolio platform. However, the platform can only be used in a limited capacity on a mobile device. Administration was not aware of this during the contract negotiation phase and now the contract is in place and binding. The small institution did not budget for an additional ePortfolio platform, and you must decide how to proceed. You can use the current platform and have students with iOS devices use the campus computers to access and edit their ePortfolios, or you can search for a different, free platform that is equally accessible across devices.
The portfolio program office updates its catalogue of portfolio criteria and includes the support of popular mobile device platforms so that they are not forgotten when a review of the current platform is conducted and other platforms are considered.
Bose, D., & Pakala, K. (2015). Use of mobile learning strategies and devices for e-portfolio content creation in an engineering thermodynamics and fluid mechanics classes: Student perceptions. 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 1–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.18260/p.24978
Siegfried, B. (2011). Enhanced student technology support with cross-platform mobile apps. Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM SIGUCCS Conference on User Services, 31–34. https://doi.org/10.1145/2070364.2070373
12021-06-22T13:42:07-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3Principle Summaries and Table of ContentsThe Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force10Review all thirteen principles' abstract summaries and navigate to different parts of the document.plain10068852022-10-19T12:39:46-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3
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12021-06-22T13:42:09-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3Strategies for Applying the Cross-Platform Compatibility Principle2ePortfolio creators should be able to make and view ePortfolios across any device, browser, and operating system with equitable ease of use across devices.plain2021-07-02T07:31:48-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3
12021-06-22T13:42:09-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3Cross-Platform Compatibility, Scenario 12You are a recent graduate on the job market and choose to include your ePortfolio link on your resume. You designed your ePortfolio to be viewed on a desktop computer but now imagine that your professional audience will be viewing the site on their mobile devices. You reach out to your former educator to see how you can begin revising the ePortfolio to be effective across platforms.plain2021-07-02T07:32:47-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3
12021-06-22T13:42:05-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3Cross-Platform Compatibility, Scenario 22You are an educator who has asked your students to complete an ePortfolio as part of a capstone course. Students have already selected artifacts from their learning and co-curricular experiences to include in the ePortfolio but have not yet begun creating and filling the actual site. You distribute a survey to students to identify how comfortable they are using digital devices, if they have used the ePortfolio platform before, and how familiar they are with ePortfolios as a genreplain2021-07-02T07:33:29-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3
12021-06-22T13:42:05-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3Cross-Platform Compatibility, Scenario 32You are an educator at a small, private college where the administration already has a contract with a particular ePortfolio platform. However, the platform can only be used in a limited capacity on a mobile device. Administration was not aware of this during the contract negotiation phase and now the contract is in place and binding.plain2021-07-02T07:34:23-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3
12021-06-22T13:42:09-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3Cross-Platform Compatibility, Resources2ePortfolio creators should be able to make and view ePortfolios across any device, browser, and operating system with equitable ease of use across devices.plain2021-07-02T07:35:15-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3
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12021-06-22T13:42:05-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3EducatorThe Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force1A term that refers to an individual who instructs a course and encompasses faculty, instructors, and tutors.plain2021-06-22T13:42:05-07:00The Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning's Digital Ethics Task Force0c52e4eae81410f7710876e68e8d2c429e9eb2c3
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12021-06-22T13:42:06-07:00AAEEBL Logo1The logo for the Association of Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning.plain2021-06-22T13:42:06-07:00
1media/Cross-Platform Compatibility_thumb.png2021-07-14T01:37:13-07:00Cross-platform compatibility1Laptop and smartphonemedia/Cross-Platform Compatibility.pngplain2021-07-14T01:37:13-07:00